C-C-C-Combo Breaker!!

445 12 14

Changed the ending for this chapter, didn't really like the original.


Ahh the arcade. Apart from the sticky carpet floors, years it takes to beat the simplest of games and expensive shitty prizes, it's one of greatest inventions of mankind (well, apart from the internet) 

Where kids learn many things that'll stick with them for years to come. Where the adults come to bask in the nostalgia, and reminisce about why the first time they as children came to this glorious palace. This was truly a world changing event for all ages, but enough about glorious arcades and the places they hold in our hearts, that's not what we're here for.

"Oh, oh, oh!"

Dipper and Wendy each made many excited shouts as they each mashed buttons on the Fight Punchers machine. They were playing an old, crappy Street Fighter rip-off in the back of the Gravity Falls Arcade, and having an absolute blast. Dipper had a happy grin on his face as he and Wendy went at each other in the game.

"Ooh, cutscene!" she said as the match stopped aburptly.

"Dr. Karate, you killed my father again! Why do you keep doing that!?" Dipper's character, Rumble McSkirmish, pointed and shouted at Dr.Karate

"HNNNGGH!!!!!!!" Wendy's character, Dr. Karate grunted angrily.

"You take that BAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!" Rumble shouted.

Wendy giggled at the terrible voice acting, and Dipper rolled his eyes with a grin. You gotta love terrible nineties dub jobs.

" Fight! " the deep voiced game announcer declared. (Has there ever been an announcer with a normal, non terrifyingly deep voice?)

Dipper and Wendy went at it, each pulling of the best combos they could to win. But after a perfectly executed "Karate Crusher" from Wendy, the match was over.

"Oh, what?" Dipper said playfully as he crossed his arms. "Boo!" 

"Don't hate the player," Wendy said with a nonchalant shrug, then began smirking. "You might have some fancy moves out here, but the game world, I am KING!"

"Yeah, yeah," Dipper said sarcastically. "C'mon. Round two, your Majesty. "

"Don't mind if I do," Wendy said as she got ready for the next round. "Hey, I'm gonna punch the ref."

" Fight! " the announcer once again, declared.

"Let's gang up on him!" Wendy said as she started hitting buttons.

Dipper shrugged, pulling of a string of punches that appeared to hit the non-responsive referee. 

Wendy laughed at the sight. "Nice!"

But little did they know, that poor referee had just got divorced, fired from his job, lost his kids, and most of his money along with his house. He had to pick up this job because he had to pay child support. The referee shed a single small tear as he was continuously abused by the players. 

"Hey, Wendy!" a voice behind Dipper exclaimed, he'd hope'd it wasn't who it sounded like.

Dipper turned and his good mood immediately faded. In walked Robbie, with several flyers in his hands. Of course, even when tucked into the very back corner of the Arcade where no one ever came, somehow they ran into Robbie. Did he have a tracker on one of them or something?

"Oh, hey Robbie," Wendy said, turning to the teen. "what are you doing here" 

"Just putting up some flyers for my band, I'm playing lead guitar. No biggie."  Robbie said in a try hard humble voice, obviously trying to impress the duo.

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