"Louis," Harry says. He still hasn't asked Louis to leave.

They've kissed three times now. Louis already knows the eager sounds Harry makes as he sucks on Louis's tongue, but he's never seen Harry naked and hard before, not like this. Harry had shoved the tips of his fingers down the back of Louis's jeans, rubbed himself into Louis's hip, and tried to steer them towards a bed, but Louis always slipped away before it could go any further. They were about to start a world tour. It wasn't the time to muck about with something like this, and Louis had known that if they did it once, they wouldn't be able to stop.

He had tried to tell himself that it wouldn't be that good anyway, but as he maps out the sprawl of Harry's body beneath the sheet, he knows that was always a lie.

"Pull the sheet down," Louis says. "Let me see."

Harry doesn't hesitate, squirming with his whole body until the sheets are again tangled at his feet. He's always easy to get naked, but this is sometimes else entirely. He's pulled the vibrator out and it's lying on the bed beside him, still shiny wet.

Louis walks over and stands by the edge of the bed, looming over Harry. Harry's so fucking long like this, long legs and his pretty thighs and the narrow dent of his waist and the pink tips of his nipples. Louis reaches out and pinches one. It's hard and Harry jolts with his entire body, like Louis stuck him with an electric cable. Louis grabs the other one, pinches and twists slowly before letting go.

"Pretty cheeky doing this when I'm right down the hall," Louis says slowly. He digs his thumbnail into Harry's nipple and pretends to stay impassive when Harry whimpers. "You must have wanted to get caught."

Harry inhales sharply. "I thought you would stay in the other room."

"Yeah?" Louis asks. He presses his hand flat to Harry's sternum. "You wanted to be all by yourself? You weren't thinking about what would happen if I came in?"

There's still time for him to leave, still just the barest sliver of opportunity to turn this into a joke, just something else to tease Harry about. Staying would be a terrible idea, but Louis can't leave now, not when Harry's hard and flushed and right there.

"Oh, please," Harry says. He grabs for Louis's shoulders and tries to pull them together, but Louis won't bend close enough for Harry to kiss. He reaches for the vibrator instead, wraps his fingers around the base and lifts it for inspection. It's purple and ridged and flared at the base, about the same size as Louis's cock.

"What's so great about this thing anyway?"

"It's like. It's just." Harry chews on his cheek, but doesn't find an answer.

Louis was right never to follow Harry to bed before, because just this long minute in Harry's bedroom, looking at the eager stretch of Harry's body, the hard line of his cock, already has Louis feeling like his brain has been replaced by steam. "Show me," Louis says.

Harry lifts his head, blinking like he's not sure if he understands. Louis takes off his clothes, quickly, before he has the chance to think this through and remember the million and one reasons why he should be doing this - not now, not with Harry - and shoves at Harry until there's room for Louis to lie down on the bed beside him.

"You do this a lot, right?" Louis asks. "Sneak away and shove this up your bum?"

"Just sometimes," Harry says. He's so flushed now. Louis wants to lick his red cheeks and feel the heat under his tongue. He kisses Harry's mouth instead, sucks on Harry's soft, wet tongue. His head is spinning already. He bites sharply at Harry's lower lip and then soothes at it with the tip of his tongue.

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