Chapter 5 - Despair and Kindness

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You had lived your whole life in civilization where you could always cheat, steal, and lie your way into getting what you needed to survive. Out here, there was no one to lie to except the crow that had been watching you from the treetops since it had led you to the overgrown garden.

As you took your post cross-legged in your tiny shelter with a sword in hand, you began to wonder if you were simply just an idiot. You were frightened and alone - of course you would believe that the crow was a gift from your Goddess. How likely were the odds of that, though? How likely was it that your Goddess, someone who ruled over death, had given you, someone who used to clean Lady Nihachu's tables for a living, guidance to a garden? Most likely, you had just stumbled upon it and mistook it for a sign.

The reason that the temple kept appearing was because you were bad with directions, and you were probably just walking in a circle. No divine intervention needed. Just stupidity.

But... that didn't explain the pull you felt to this place. Maybe it was divine intervention.


You shook your head to clear your thoughts. It didn't really matter, did it? Divine guidance or not, you were still here under your pitiful shelter probably dying of dehydration. As much as you believed in your Goddess, you were aware that deep down, you just didn't want to feel so irreparably alone. No matter how much you wished that you were the subject of divine intervention, you were irrelevant in the scheme of things, and your Goddess would never see fit to intervene.

With that thought, thunder rumbled in the distance. You bit your lip to hold back the scream of frustration as water started to slowly drip from the sky.

On one hand, at least there was water, but on the other hand, it was fucking raining, and you didn't exactly have a watertight roof over your head.

For a while it was fine. It was mostly just sprinkling. Every time the rain hit the top of your head, you tensed up, but it wasn't unbearable. Then the real storm started.

Within only a few minutes, the sprinkling rain turned to pouring rain and small chunks of hail falling from the sky. You were quickly soaked to the bone, and you couldn't stop your whole body from trembling feebly as your hands went numb.

This really couldn't get any worse, could it?

As if on cue, a twig snapped to your left. You immediately turned and stared into the darkness, but you saw nothing. The pitter-patter of feet was beyond unsettling, though, so you clutched your sword even tighter.

A flash of lightning made you jolt fearfully, and for a moment, you saw a four-legged blob scurry its way past you. From the click of its nails on the stone floor of the temple, you guessed that, whatever it was, was simply taking shelter from the storm. You briefly considered slipping just inside the stone temple, but the Butchers' screams still echoed in your ears even though you tried your hardest to forget them.

As the storm continued to rage on, you continued to lose feeling in your limbs. The numbness crept up your body, but your grip on your sword did not falter. You sneezed once, then twice, then a third time.

The hail gradually stopped, but in exchange, the wind began blowing with a ferocity that made you wonder if a tree was going to fall on you sometime soon. The wind howled and made the trees sway in a terrifying death-dance, and you simply watched the darkness for any signs of monsters.

The sound of a creaking door greeted your ears even over the howling of the wind. You would have tensed up further, but your muscles were already aching from your position, and you were losing feeling in pretty much every part of your body.

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