"Well, I guess we haven't come around to that conversation yet.  We're just focusing on recruiting right now, so—"

The doorbell rang, cutting Rachel off. Mr Schue went to answer it, and Sam and Izzy looked to each other, knowing the tension it would cause.

"Hey, everybody," Blaine walked towards them and took a seat at the table. "Oh my god, you will not believe the day that i just had. Sorry i'm late. What did i miss?"

"Not much," Will replied. "But since I have you all here, we might as well get started."

Rachel stood up and cleared her throat in an attempt to get everyone's attention. "We have some fierce show choir competition ahead of us, and I think we should lay down some ground rules."

Everyone pitched in to think of new rules. No poaching, no stealing each other's set lists, and no spying.

"And always be supportive and clap for each other, no matter what," Sam added.

"Even if we do really bad. Like, if we do as bad as That's So Rachel," Izzy smirked to laughter of all her other friends, but Rachel didn't seem too amused.

"I actually really, really need everyone's advice. I have a huge dilemma," Blaine said with a desperate look on his face. "A girl wants to join the warblers."

"I don't get it, is there supposed to be a problem here?" Izzy asked.

"You cannot be on the wrong side of history here. I mean, you of all people should know that," Mr Schue said.

"Well, I know, I just think that tradition is important, too," Blaine reasoned.

"Tradition is just dead people telling us what to do," Izzy raised her eyebrows, surprised that Blaine of all people would be concerned about something as minuscule as this. "Let her try out. Nothing bad's going to happen, it's just one audition."

With those words, Izzy convinced Blaine to let Jane try out for the Warblers.


Most of the glee club alumni had made it back for homecoming. It was the night of, and so far Rachel and Kurt hadn't been doing so well with the glee club.

Izzy wasn't as active as the rest of the members who had been recruiting other members, so she missed seeing all of her old friends. Spotting them instantly, she ran as quickly as she could in her red and white outfit.

She hugged Quinn tightly, missing her best friend. "God, I'm never going to let you go."

"Well you're going to have to. I think Puck's getting jealous," she whispered.

Letting go of her, she spotted Mike and gave him a big hug too. It was like high school all over again, and she missed it.

"So what's been going on with you?" Quinn asked. "We heard about you and Sam and Chicago," she smiled devilishly.

"Well, I got all your flowers, so I assumed you heard."

"Other people sent you flowers?" Mike questioned.

Letting out a laugh, Izzy replied to his question. "Apart from you and Quinn, Sam, Britt— although there was a lot of cat fur in hers, Santana, Marley, and anonymous who I assume is either Puck or Lord Tubbington."

"Oh, it's Puck. I made him send those," Quinn confirmed.

Santana and Brittany had joined their reunion and had greeted everyone accordingly. After the hugs and hellos had been given out and said, they got to talking.

"Well look at us. Our lives are going great. No botched TV shows, called off marriages or long distance break ups," Santana said, looking directly at Izzy. "How's Trouty?"

"Great," Izzy smiled, although it faltered slightly. Quinn caught that, and started interrogating.

"Did he cheat? If he cheated, I will mess him up so bad—"

"No, no, it's nothing about him, it's more like Rachel acting really weird about us. But I'm probably overreacting, it's nothing," Izzy shook her head.

Santana looked livid. "If she has it out for your man, I'll pull a Criminal Chipmunk and throw a glass slushy at her."

"Speaking of Criminal Chipmunk, Sam tracked him down. And now we're having a triple date with him and Blaine."

Mike frowned slightly. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea."

"It's all good, he has a boyfriend so he won't put the moves on Blaine. And Karofsky won't go all Lima Heights on him," Izzy shrugged, still unable to comprehend that Karofsky and Blaine were dating.

"Let me guess, he's dating that other warbler with the hair gel and the fluffy cat," Brittany said.

Izzy hung her mouth open in shock. "How did you know that?" she asked in amazement.

"I'm a psychic," Brittany replied.

"As much as I would love to hear about glass slushies, the bonfire is starting," Quinn interjected. She gestured for everyone to follow her there, and they all had a great time at their reunion.


"I didn't know Breadstix opened this late," Sam said.

"Yeah, well we can't stay long. I need my beauty sleep and so do you," she smiled.

Spotting where they needed to go, they sat down next to the two other couples.

"Well, we made it," Sam said, sitting comfortably next to Blaine and Izzy.

"Sebastian and I were just talking about how insane high school was," Blaine laughed. "I mean, stolen trophies, drugs, and it was all for show choir."

"Sometimes I'm scared of how much you guys sacrifice for it," Dave laughed along with Blaine.

"Oh trust me, I am too," Izzy agreed.

"It got you places. Congrats on the dance role in Chicago. It was well deserved," Sebastian said.

"Thanks," she smiled slightly. "Congrats on the college in Paris."

"It's like we're all moving into bigger and better things," Hunter suddenly spoke up. Izzy hadn't done her research on him, but from what Sam said, he alluded to him being a male model. Very understandable.

"Well, here's to the future. Who knows what it may hold," Izzy smiled at her once friends and once enemies.

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