"im not going to music class." jungkook said, cutting the other boy off. taehyung paused, looking at jungkook, noticing the blond in his hair. "oh. well, then why bring your guitar to school?" he asked curiously.

"...because my house gets pretty hectic. i dont want to risk damaging it." jungkook said, internally face palming at the dumb excuse. but taehyung seemed to buy it.

"oh, i see. but you should really go to the class if you can play! the teacher is really nice. well, at least i think so. jiminie said he is. but im not sure if that claim is accurate as he is blinded by love."

taehyung said, giggling to himself at the end. jungkook only nodded, not planning to join some music class, but wanted this boy to stop talking.

"so, how old are you?" taehyung asked after a few seconds of silence. jungkook wanted to smash his head against the table.

"you sure talk a lot." he muttered. taehyung heard the ravenette. "so i've been told.." he said softly. jungkook glanced up at the boy, noticing the now small pout on his lips.

jungkook, for some reason, didnt like how the boy suddenly grew very quiet. groaning internally, he finally answered.

"im 19." he said lowly, really hating himself for having to do this. but, saw taehyungs smile regrow on his lips.

"really? so your older than me. im 18." he said with a wide smile. jungkook hummed. 'i know..' he said in his mind, not daring to say it outloud.

"thats cool." jungkook responded, taking a bite of whatever the meat was supposed to be. grabbing his phone out of his pocket and scrolling through a text his boss sent him.

taehyung noticed the older go on his phone and pouted. "you know we're not supposed to go on out phones during school hours right?" he asked softly.

jungkook glanced up at the younger, before going straight back down to his phone. ignoring the others words.

taehyung huffed at jungkooks lack of attention on him, but pouted noticing jungkook didnt react. huffing again, and changing his position on his seat trying to get jungkooks attention. but he failed again. 

so, he tried again. 

and again.

..and again.

until finally,

"what is it?" jungkook boredly asked, looking up from his phone. taehyung smiled at jungkooks words. "nothing. well, actually. i wanted to ask you something!" he said, full of enthusiasm.

jungkook sighed softly. "yeah?" he asked, waiting for what ever question this kid had to ask.

"can we be friends?"

taehyung asked, his eyes all sparkly and dilated. jungkook paused, not expecting that to be the question.

taehyung hoped jungkook would say yes. thinking they had already made a good connection. but to his dismay, jungkook got up from his chair, grabbing his back pack and guitar case.

this is why jungkook didnt want to go to this boys school. knowing some dumb 'friendship' shit would happen, with atleast someone. and he didnt want that. he was here for his job. not to make friends.

"i dont want friends." jungkook said, walking off.

taehyung watched with his bambi eyes. following jungkooks figure as he walked through the cafeteria and out through the wooden doors.

when jungkook finally disappeared, taehyung pouted fully. going back to his previously forgotten sandwich. 

truth was, taehyung wanted to be friends with everyone. but in reality had two friends. most people didnt like his constant talking, and irritatingly energetic personality.

the boy cursed his hobi hyung for getting detention, and cursed jiminie for always trying to flirt with his music teacher during lunch period.


ughhh sorry for not updating yesterday!! im still having house problems. well, more the lack of me having one lmaoooo

luv chuuu



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