" I m sorry type. I lost your hand at there. Don't cry unclo mii is here now. Stop crying! " That person were looking at them. He smiled.

" Well, I guess you know this kid. He was crying in front of that shop. I saw him so I thought to help him. " Said that person.

" Thank you so much for helping him. It really means a lot to us. Thank you sir. " Said mild while offering his hand. Mew shook his hand with him.

" Pleasure is all mine. I m happy this baby boy found someone familiar here. " Mild nodded.

" Swadee khrab, I m mild. Nice to meet you and again thank you so much! " Said Mild to that person.

" Wadee, Nice to meet you, mild. I'm Mew, Mew Suppasit. " Said Mew and he bend down to type to wipe his tears.

" Now, you found your uncle. Don't cry okay?? You are a strong boy!! Right?? " Said Mew in a cute tone. Type nodded and mild smiled. Mild again thanked him and they shook their hands and left.

Mew was looking at that little boy. He don't know why but he was feeling so warm when type hugged him. It was different and beautiful. He smiled and went to his mom dad.

Where Mild and Type came back to Gulf and champ.

" What took you both so long??? We were worried like hell! " Said Gulf.

" Actually, Type got lost, when we're coming here. I m sorry Gulf. It was my mistake! " Gulf felt like his world turn upside down.

" Whaaaaaaat????? Mild??? How you can be so irresponsible??? What if we lost him for long time??? What if someone kidnap him by saw him alone??? How you can be so careless??? " Shouted Gulf and bursted into tears. For Type, Gulf was very possessive like a parent. He went to Type and hugged him tightly.

Mild was crying a lot but he knows it was his fault. Champ look at him and show him an action to say nothing.

" Gulf, I m really sorry! Please forgive me! " Said Mild while sobbing.

" Sorry is enough for this?? " Said Gulf but then...

" Don't shout on unclo mii....... Pleaseeyyyy unclo mii love type. Don't angry na papa. " Said type with a pout. Gulf cried harder. He can't imagine to be away from his son.

" Gulf, he is saying it was a mistake. I m sorry on behalf of him. We understand, don't cry na Gulf! " Said Champ while patting in Gulf's back. Gulf nodded.

" Unclo cha!! Type hungry hungry! " Champ nodded.

" Guys it's lunch time and type is hungry too so let's go to the food court. Let's freshen up our mood. " Everybody nodded and they went to the food court.

Gulf was not talking a single word with mild and mild was looking at him apologetically.

They took a seat and gave their order. Only type was enjoying there while, Gulf champ and mild was highly upset of whatever just happened.

" Papa.... You know, I made friend today. " Gulf look at him and sullenly nodded. Type pouted.

" Papa... Type want something! " Said type and Gulf nodded.

" Type want papa be friend again with unclo mii. Pleaseee papa! " Said type with puppy eyes. Gulf wiped his tears. Mild as well.

" Gulf, I m really sorry, truly. I know what I did was a huge mistake but it will never gonna happen. Please trust me. " Said mild. Gulf sighed and just nodded.
Type pouted again.

" What happened baby? Why pout now? Papa did what? "

" No!! Papa didn't what type said. Type is sad... Very sady sady! " When type said this, everyone there bursted into giggles.

Type was really like an angel to them. He knows how to make them laugh even if they are sad. Mild went to type and hold his both ears.

" Type, unclo mii is sorry! Type will forgive?? " Type nodded and hugged him. Gulf smiled. And they all ate their lunch while talking and laughing again.

Whereas, at that time, Mew was just passing around from that food court when he saw type sitting with three boys. Mew only saw Mild and Champ face but was unable to see Gulf's face because he was sitting in angle which showing his back.

Mew saw someone was feeding type and type smiled at him. Mew felt good.

Must be his dad! But where is his mom??

That little boy is so cute like an angel.

I will always pray that boy should always be happy like this.... I don't know why but I felt warm when he hugged....

Mew said to himself. He was smiling at them. Type was so adorably talking with them and they all laughing. Mew really want to see that face to Type's dad but he can't.

" Mew!!! Let's go son. " Said Mew's mom. Mew nodded and saw type for the last time.

I don't know why but I wish I could meet again type..... You are like an lil angel! I always pray for you and your parents to be happy!

*sigh* Wish to meet your parents too....


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Stay safe and happy guys😃!! Take care of yourself my peeps😇💕
Keep smiling....

- chubby

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