Chapter: 20

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Emma's POV:

Coming back to consciousness the first thing I felt was a warm, slightly bigger hand, tightly wrapped around my cold one and the person's fingers intertwined with mine. The hand felt so good against my hand that I never wanted to let go of it. I felt the brightness of the light, which burnt against my closed eyes, and the dryness of my throat indicating that I haven't drunk water in hours.

Before I could open my eyes, I accidentally coughed, bringing the attention of the person holding my hand to my conscious state. Suddenly I felt the hand slipping out of mine, leaving me in lack of warmth. I opened my eyes, groaning inwardly, and saw an anxious Xavier sitting beside me in a chair playing nervously with his hands.

I coughed one more time to draw Xavier's attention to myself "You frightened me" was the first thing he told me and kissed me on the forehead. Blushing, I stared at the window only to see the sun shining outside, so it was the bright light burning my eyes before.

"What happened?" I asked turning my attention back to him, my voice coming out rough because of a dry throat.

"I'll tell you, but first you have to drink water and take your medicines," He said giving me a glass of water along with the medicines. That's when I noticed the IV attached to the other hand.
"Why did they attach this?" I asked Xavier motioning my eyes to the IV
"First drink water, I'll tell you everything," he said with a slight smile.

Drinking the water, I felt like life coming back into me, not literally, but it felt like I have drunk water after years.

"Ok, now tell me. I remember crashing into someone and then hitting my head, but I passed out just from that?" I asked after I gulped down three glasses of water

"You crashed into someone in the hallway and passed out for almost 20 hours. Also, the doctor said you didn't hit your head that hard but they did an MRI just in case. They attached the IV cause they were worried about your energy level as you haven't eaten anything for a day" Xavier said, "Oh, also the person you crashed into was saying something about you should walk with open eyes?"

And suddenly everything came rushing back to me. The darkness in front of my eyes, the constant pain in my head, and the sudden pain that shoots from my neck to my head, but I only nodded my head instead of saying anything which made Xavier furrow his eyebrows but he didn't say anything.

For some time, there was silence in the ER but then Louis entered.

"What happened to you? Xavier called me in the morning to tell you passed out, and ended the call." He asked without stoping, his face looked stressed

"Nothing I just hit my head and passed out," I told him and then turned my head toward Xavier to ask him why didn't he tell Louis earlier when I noticed eye bags under his eyes

"You didn't sleep did you?" I asked him instead of asking him what I wanted to ask. "No, I didn't. I didn't want to disturb Louis or your mum giving them more tension as you know- wait, you don't know do you?" He said with wide eyes

"No, Xavier I don't know. What are you talking about?" I said looking between him and Louis with a questioning look

"So, Emma, umm...I want you not to panic or make any sudden moments ok?" Louis asked with a really serious look and I nodded

"Ok, so the thing is, Dad's condition worsened last night and the doctors shifted him from ICU to semi ventilator. The doctors are saying that his condition is critical at the moment, he is unconscious again and if he doesn't regain consciousness in the next thirty-six hours they will have to move him completely to a ventilator" He stopped for a moment and then continued

"As the doctor said before that if he doesn't gain consciousness in three days he might go in a coma but now the time has reduced to thirty-six hours. So the next thirty-six hours are crucial"

Shocked, horrified and angry that's what I felt. In the last thirty-six hours, so many bad things have occurred, I hope the next thirty-six will be good.

All of this is Mr.Wilson's fault, that man would be sitting peacefully at his house presently, while my dad is in this condition. Suddenly, I felt my body fill with fury, and in a minute I was on my feet ripping off my IV. I would've run out of the ER if Louis wouldn't have held me tightly.

"Let. Me. Go." I gritted out "Let me teach a lesson to him. I hope he dies the most painful death"

"What the hell Emma?" Louis yelled
"Emma what are you saying? Who are you talking about?" Xavier asked worriedly

"Who do you think I'm talking about? Huh? I'm talking about that Wilson fu*ker. Who else would I say this about?" I said angrily, trying to get out of Louis's grip
"Calm down Emma. You acting like this won't anything, we've to wait until hopefully dad is healthy and out of the hospital to take action against him, legally" Louis said making me sit on the bed.

"Yes, you can't just go to his house. What would you do huh? You would be in the hospital bed injured before you could even touch him" Xavier said angrily

"So you both are saying that we sit here and wait? Just like this? We all know that he will do something more and he will do it sooner than we can think. So we just sit here and wait for his next move? Yeah, that's smart." I said furiously, crossing my hands

"We will figure out something, but right now please lay down you need to be completely fine if you want to do something about all this," Xavier said

Louis called a nurse to put the IV back. Within ten minutes of resting down, I felt myself drifting off. Maybe it was the effect of the antibiotics or maybe because of drowsiness but drifting off I heard a faint "Please be ok" and then it was dark again.

Hello everyone!! So here's the update I promised!!
I hope y'all enjoyed it :)
All the Love
-xNotThatDorkx ❤

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