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"It is a normal day in Japan. You can see children playing outside on playgrounds, teenagers coming home from school and adults doing their jobs. It seems quite peaceful... But this world is full of humans with different kinds of superpowers called "quirks". How can it be peaceful, you may ask. Well, even if it seems like that, it is not. There are criminals and evil, disgusting villains everywhere. They use their powers to destroy and hurt society. But don't panic, there are also heroes who made it their job to protect us, the people, and make the world seem safer, so everyone feels welcome. Isn't it nice to have such amazing people like the pro-heroes -..."

"Ugh, I hate these hero advertisements", scoffed Dabi, "Fucking liars. They just want fame and money. They don't care about the people." He threw a flame at the TV in the LOV's hideout.It immediately disintegrated, leaving a little mountain of dust and the smell of pure hatred.

"Pack it up, Patchwork. You don't have to destroy my TV right away, useless bitch. There is something called remote control. How should I contact Master now?" Shigaraki says annoyed, sitting at the bar.

"Oh, fuck off, Handyman. Your daddy issues are getting out of hand. I'm pretty sure he will find a way to contact you if he needs, without using this stupid old TV." he turns around and approaches the man with blue hair.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Toga cheers in the corner. Even though she was shouting, it didn't quite reach them because they were too focused on each other.

"Daddy issues? I will show you daddy issues, burnt bacon!" Shigaraki prepared himself to attack Dabi but was stopped by a purple-black mist surrounding his attacking hand.

"My, My... Gentlemen, don't fight each other in my bar. The alcohol is expensive and hard to get, even for a villain like me. How about you drink something instead of killing each other...yet...?" The fog-man poured both men a glass of fine wine and placed them in front of them.

"Owww, I want to see bloo-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP CRAZY BITCH" the two villains interrupted while looking straight into Toga's soul with hostility.

"Relax patchwork and handyman. Those wrinkles don't look good on yo- Nevermind, I forgot that y'all are ugly either ways. Maybe some lip balm and burn ointments will help - or not- ." She mumbled the last words and held a pink lip balm with strawberry flavor in front of Shigaraki. "You can use mine. I don't need it anymore. It's very tasty and pink. Isn't it cute? <3"

Shigaraki activates his quirk as he grabbed the strawberry scented stick and sits down at the bar again. In the background of the scene the little teenage girl was whining and cursing but nobody paid attention to her.

Toga POV:

Oww my poor lip balm :( Scary crusty man always has to destroy things I like. I even was nice and offered him my chapstick.... Nasty man, nobody will ever want to kiss you with these crispy lips. I paid- no, I didn't. I stole it but it still was worth 2.99€! I will steal his money later as revenge .... or his blood when he sleeps ... hmm... maybe both :3

I go up to the bar and sat next to Dabi who sits next to mean crusty man. I want to drink wine too. It looks so delicious and almost has the same color as blood~ But foggy man won't give me alcohol because "i Am ToO yOuNg". Stupid idiot, we are villains. We break laws and rules. We kill people but alcohol is still not ok for me? That's not fair.

"Here, you can have this" I hear Mamagiri say as he gave me a red looking liquid. It smells so yummy. I recognize the smell but I don't know from where.

"That's blood. There was a car crash and I found a truck with blood in bags in it. I guess it's for the hospitat or something like- ..."

"THANK YOU KUROGIRI. YOU ARE THE BEST AND MUCH BETTER THAN THOSE two motherfuckers next to me" I interrupted him and looked mad at burnt bacon and mean crusty bitch.

Shigaraki POV:

Ugh why can't this child just shut the fuck up? Why is she so annoying and WHY DID I LET HER IN THE LEAGUE!? Calm down Tomura. It's not worth to freak out right now. 

I sipped a little bit of the wine and hoped it would calm me down. Fortunately it did.

I have to plan our new attack but I don't know where and when yet. Maybe Dabi, Twice and Spinner can spy out UA... Nah, Patchwork, human lizard and crazy mulitple personalities guy would attract too much attention. Mr. Compress would be better for this mission. I will contact him later.

I stand up, slapped Toga and sat down again. You could hear her saying "HEY WTF!" and then she mumbled some slurs. I was too annoyed to listen to her crap. Maybe I should drink more to calm down.

Dabi POV:

I noticed Shigaraki standing up and walking to Toga. I had to hold in my laugh when he silently slapped her across the face. She deserved it, to be honest. Nobody calls me ugly. Just because I'm partly purple, doesn't mean I'm not hot. I have to say, these scars really look badass  on me and at least I don't look like him anymore.

I don't know if I'm imagining something but something seems off... I looked around but couldn't see anything.

"What's wrong, patchy? I hear Handyman asking...but...it is weird. He sounds so quiet. Am I losing consciousness? I start panicking when my vision starts to blurr.

"Guys, hold your breath" I discovere some kind of light purple fog coming through the entrance. "I think the pros are here!"

No one's POV:

"Guys, hold your breath. I think the pros are here!" Dabi says to his colleagues.


The door swings open and reveales the heroes Midnight, Eraserhead, Best Jeanist and Kamui Woods with gas masks. immediately start attacking the villains. Midnight keeps using her quirk which weakens Toga, Dabi, Shigaraki and Kurogiri. Eraserhead focuses on Kurogiri, so he can't teleport them away and capured him with his scarf.

"FUCK" was the last thing that was heard from Toga. She then fell on the ground unconscious. Best Jeanist takes this opportunity to wrap her up with his strings and placed her near the door next to a sleeping and captured Kurogiri. 

"Stupid pros... How did you..find us?" Shigaraki screams at the wood hero while fighting him. He slowly loses his vision and sways back and forth.  Kamui notices his behavior and grows branches which fixates him without him fighting back. "Shit. You will regret surprise attacking us."

Dabi POV:

I look around and see my "friends" losing. This stupid fog weakens me. I hate it. I can't win alone in this state against these five idiots. I have to run away and rescue them later.

I shoot a big blue flame in the direction to the heroes and distract them with it. They groaned as they dodged the flame at the last moment. I instantly ran away through the  back exit. But then I feel a flashing pain and fell on the ground. The last thing I remember is Endeavor looking down at me. I hate this gaze. It's disgusting...Fuck...

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