Author's note

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📌 The dog is from the movie "My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising". It was in the background but I noticed it immediately and fell in love with it. Sorry for the bad quality tho.

📌  This is my first story and my native language is NOT English. Feel free to correct mistakes but please be kind!

📌 This story will NOT contain any ships.  I do not like ships in fanfictions except when it is "??? x reader" or when I want to read a fanfic about a ship. But this story is NOT about shipping, so there will be none. Besides I hate it, when I have to read a story with ships I do not support / like. Therefore I will not be doing the same to you <3

📌 I also do not like to see a notification of a story, only to find out it is just an author's note. For this reason you do not have to worry about that. IF I do an author's note I will do it at the end of a chapter and there will be no AN's during a chapter. I think it is annyoing and destroys the mood when there is suddenly an author's note. 

📌 Oh and there will be no OC's. Maybe I will add a random person who is not in the Anime but they will be background characters (like interviewers or random citizens) and will not play a big role in this fanfic. I hate reading stories which are not labeled as OC stories but involve them and then they are a big part of the story.

📌 I am from Europe, so I will use the metric system, date (day, month, year), Euro € and celsius. I do not know if I use it in the story but I rather warn you in advance, so there will be no confusion :) Except if you did not read this note lmao. Can not blame you. I skip author's notes too lol.

📌 All pictures I will use are not mine. I am horrible at drawing lmao.

📌 Ok, last thing before the story starts: I REALLY hate it to be pressured into writing. I will write a new chapter when I have the motivation and time for it. Otherwise my writing and my mental health will suffer from being forced. I am a perfectionist and have mental health issues (my perfectionism will kill me If I do not write good enough and being forced stresses me out. So there will be a lot going on in my mind). Besides being forced to do something has the same vibes as online school assignments and I think everyone knows how destructive they are for yourself. I will not  have a regular upload shedule and please do not annoy me with "wHeN wIlL yOu UpLoAd?". Yes, you can ask but do not be annoying. I do not want to see my notifications full with this question. If you see someone who already asked that, look for my answer. If I have given one, do not ask again. If I have not, then you are allowed to ask. But keep the amount low. Like... if there are already five people asking that, you do not have to ask that again even if I have not replied to one.

Sorry if I sound rude, I just hate being forced and read those kinds of fanfictions with the points I have listed above.

Besides that, please stay respectful in the comments.

Enjoy the story but as I is my first story :'D

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