I looked over at Josie who was lying fast asleep, and I'm glad because this hasn't
beem the easiest day for her either. Quietly, I sit up from the bed and pull her pinky dreissig gown round my waist, and I wander downstairs to Harry.

Rightly enough, he's not asleep either. In fact he's sitting up in the same position he's been in since we arrived back home. My footsteps on the wooden floor startle him, but when he sees that it's just me his shoulders relax and he turns back to stare at the same undrunk cup of tea on my table.

Without saying a word, I sit myself down on the couch next to him, letting the silence continue to fill the atmosphere as I try to string together the right words to say to him.

"Like the outfit?" I ask him jokingly, and when he looks at me and laughs, a large wave of relief crashes over me.

He slouched back against the couch, his eyes bloodshot and swollen and knuckles white from squeezing his fists tightly. When he looked at me, it looked as though it was a silent cry for help and at this point, I don't know what else I can go.

"I promise you we'll find her Harry. We'll get up early and put all of our energy into looking for her, I promise."

Harry Styles

I slept.

Not for long, maybe three hours but when I woke up the clock on the wall told me it was 8AM, and that for me meant we've got to go now. So I showered in liams downstairs bathroom, got back into the same, fire smelling clothes I wore yesterday and shut every cupboard door in his kitchen in the hopes they would wake up.

I text one of the guys from the gang to find out what's going on with her club and he said they stopped the fire and are waiting to get a hold of the owner, which breaks my heart a little bit.

When I saw the pictures I physically felt my heart drop, because some of my happiest moments have been in that place and it's the place I first ever spoke to Harlow. The foundation of all our happy memories is gone and it's just tragic.

Harlow isn't someone who has a lot of faith in herself, but the one and only thing she does pride herself in is her club. Everyone who ever visited that place gets top class treatment from her and even the community benefits from that place because of her weekly charity nights that help the local charities.

Her club is the reason she's still here today, and now it's gone.

The second I heard footsteps on the stairs, the doorbell rang so I rushed to open it because for some reason I thought it might be Harlow. It was just the three guys though, which to be honest is just as surprising considering it's not even 9AM yet.

"How are we doing this?" Asks Liam as we all sit down on his couch.

"Same as yesterday, I'm going with Liam and Josie." I state, clearly taking them all by surprise.

Liam probably wasn't expecting me to want to be with Josie by choice, but she's Harlow's friend and she knew Harlow when I didn't, so maybe it's a good idea that she comes with me and Liam.

Fingers crossed it's us that get to her first, because I dread to imagine how any of the other guys will handle finding her but at this point I'm desperate. I need to find Harlow because it's been 14 hours since I last saw her and I'm not letting this drag on any longer.

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