Chapter 31 - The Fight

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criticism spot! :)

Crutchie's POV

I woke up as the sun rose, my heart pounding as I remembered what we were going to do today. I gently turned my head up toward Jack, seeing he was still asleep. I rested my head back on his chest, listening to him breathe in order to calm me down. I started to drift off again, but right as I was about to fall asleep, I felt Jack start to play with my hair. I couldn't help but smile a little, keeping my eyes closed as I relaxed. 

"You awake?" Jack whispered, barely audible. I nodded a little, not wanting to move too much. "We should get up." He said a little louder, but continuing to play with my hair.

"Nuh uh," I mumbled, putting my left arm across him to hold him there. He laughed a little, sighing.

"Okay, a few more minutes." I could tell he had a smile on his face by the way he spoke, his voice rough as it always was in the morning.

We stayed there for a while, and I finally felt relaxed for the first time in days. I wanted to stay in this spot forever, Jack playing with my hair as we laid there, the sun slowly rising and warming us up while the city was still quiet.

"Okay, we gotta get up," he said after a while, but I groaned in protest. "C'mon," he said, laughing a little.

"Five more minutes?" I said, lifting my head to look at him. He rolled his eyes jokingly, sighing.

"Fine, fine. Five more minutes." I laid my head back against him, a little surprised he didn't make us get up. He never let us stay the second time I begged, but I think he could tell that I was finally calmed down and didn't want to cut it short. The five minutes felt like it was only seconds, as Jack stopped playing with my hair and sat up. "Alright, the bell is gonna ring. We gotta get up." I sat up as well, rubbing my eyes and stretching.

I stayed silent as he grabbed our clothes, my heart starting to pound again. I began to feel sick to my stomach, terrified of what could go wrong with Jack's plan. As Jack finished changing I was overcome by that feeling, having to rest my head in my hands to breathe in order to feel better. My shirt was still unbuttoned, and Jack walked over to me, kneeling down and silently buttoning my shirt as I tried to feel better.

"You okay?" He said as he finished, staying beside me.

"I'm just so nervous that I feel sick. I just need a second." I said, my face still in my hands. Jack began to rub my back, not saying a word. I finally felt well enough to sit back up, looking at Jack and smiling. 

"Ready?" He asked quietly, smiling back at me. I nodded and he stood up, putting his hand out to help me.

As we walked to the square we didn't talk, Jack not pushing me to tell him how I felt. Eventually, as always, Race joined us, and Romeo caught up as well. The three talked, but I stayed silent, their words sounding muffled to me. 

"Huh, Crutchie?" Romeo said, bringing me back to reality.

"What?" I turned to look at him, confused.

"Why're ya so quiet?" He asked, raising his brows.

"I- uhm... I-"

"He didn't get a lot of sleep." Jack quickly answered for me, able to read that I felt overwhelmed by one question. While Romeo didn't question it, Race did, as he's my best friend next to Jack, and we tell him nearly everything. He kept his eyes on me for a second, looking worried.

"We'll explain later," I whispered, making sure Romeo didn't hear me as he continued to blabber on about something.

As we stood in line for our papes, I could tell Jack was deep in thought. Eventually I couldn't help myself, tapping his shoulder so he turned to me.

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