Chapter 3 - Learning (Part 1)

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Hi! If you're reading this while it is still being written, I am going to put a sentence at the beginning of every chapter where you can give constructive criticism! I'll take anything :) Thanks!

*****TRIGGER WARNING - CHILD ABUSE & SUICIDE ***** - there will be a * where it begins, and a * where it ends.

Charlie's POV

"You can do it, cmon." Jack encouraged as I tried to walk. I stood up, putting all my weight on my left leg. I then went to put my right foot down, and I successfully made contact with the ground. Now all I have to do now is walk! I'm so close to being back to normal.

"See! Okay, now just try one step." Jack said, ready with his arms out in case he needed to catch me.

I nodded and attempted to walk with my right foot. I barely put any weight on it when I crumpled down and into Jack's arms.

"Why-" I started to say, no realizing I was speaking out loud.

"Hey. It's part of the process. It's okay." He reassured. He slowly helped me down get to the floor, where I immediately put my head in my hands to hide my face. We sat there quietly for a moment before he spoke up.

"How's about we take a break?" He asked. I lifted my tear-stained head from my hands to look at him. He was showing a soft, kind smile to me, which made me feel less embarrassed. I ran my hands through my hair and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I nodded, and Jack sat back against the fence in what he called his penthouse. "Sounds good."

We sat in silence for a bit, staring at the night sky. I was worried that Jack was going to be tired the next day because of how late it was, and he wouldn't sell all of his papes. Right before I said something, the silence was broken.

"So, where you from, Charlie?" He said, turning his gaze towards me.

"Oh, uhm..." I remained silent for a bit, trying to decide if I should be honest. I turned my head towards his and felt a trusting gaze in his eyes. I felt safe when I was with Jack. As though I could tell him anything, and it'd be okay. "Well, I've been in New York my whole life. I lived here with my Mom and Dad until I was..." I had to really think about it. I was sixteen now... But how old had I been when it happened? "I think I was eleven."

"What happened?" Jack said, raising his eyebrows to show genuine concern. He put his hands to the ground and shifted closer to me.

"Well..." I choked up. I turn my head away from Jack so he couldn't see my eyes welling up. It had been a while since I thought about this.

"Hey," Jack's voice got real quiet and kind. He put his hand on my thigh, causing me to turn back. I look at his hand and get a warm feeling inside me. Before I can think about what that feeling was, he continued, "you don't gotta talk 'bout it if you don't want to. That's okay."

"No, no. I can talk about it, I just... It's my first time trying to do it. I'm trying to find the right words." I replied.

"Take your time, kid. We have plenty." He laughed. I smiled at his remark and continued after a few seconds.

*** "Well, my dad had a short fuse. He'd get mad at everything. For example, I forgot to make my bed before school one day, and got a real good beating when I got home." Jack nodded, showing he was listening and understood. I felt even more comfortable, which I didn't think was possible. "My Mom was real kind." I looked down at my hands, remembering her smile. "She was always ready to help. She helped me with my homework every night, she'd always make us dinner, and since I had no siblings she would play with me, too. I had trouble making friends." My face flushed, embarrassed that I had just said that out loud. I wasn't thinking, I just felt so comfortable.

Jack read my expression. "Hey, that's okay. You ain't gotta be ashamed of that." He said. "You got me, now." He continued, grinning. My face flushed even more, but with a different feeling. Before I had time to think, I decided to continue my story.

"Thanks. So, my Ma and I were always spending time together. Life was great when it was us. But when my Dad came home, it felt like I was going to a different world. Life was no longer happy." I sighed, remembering the pit in my stomach I felt every time I heard the front doorknob move. "She'd take most of the beatings. I'd get them too, but she tried to take as many for me as she could. And one night... Well..." I looked to the sky, preparing for what I had to say next. "He went too far."

Jack sat quietly for a moment, realizing what I was implying. I continued, "... Yeah. After he did that, he just left, and I was stuck fighting for survival on the streets. That's how I got here."

"What about how I found ya?" Jack asked, curious.

"Hm? Whaddya mean?" I asked although I could tell what he meant.

"Well there hasta be a story behind how I found you in the alley." He said. "I get that's more recent though, you ain't gotta share if you don't wanna." He put his hand on my thigh once more to show reassurance.

"A group of four boys always beat me up once their school day was over. It got worse every day. I think they wanted to see how far I could live. I had been having trouble walking because of them, but that last time they stomped my ankle. They left when I screamed, and then you showed up." I said. I couldn't help but wonder, why was I so open with him? 

"I'm real sorry to hear that. If you ever see those boys again, just call for me. I'll take care of 'em." He said, nudging my shoulder with his and smirking.

"Thanks." We remained silent for a few more seconds before I grew curious. "... So, how about you?"

"Hm? Oh," he said, appearing to be caught off guard. He laughed and continued, "I s'pose that's only fair, huh? Get comfortable, Charlie." I scooted closer to him, and we were nearly touching. He giggled. 

"My Ma went when I was real young. I know she was sick, but I dunno what she had." he took a deep breath before continuing. "I didn't have any siblings either, but I had my Dad until I was about eight. He had been drinking a lot, and it ended up with him getting fired. Not soon after he..." Jack glanced at me quickly to see my expression. He fiddled his thumbs, looking down at them, and quietly stating. "he shot himself." 

He gave me another glace to see how I was reacting before returning his gaze to his hands. "I'm sorry, Jack." I said, giving him the kindest smile I could.

"Hey, don't be. It ain't your fault." He smiled. 

*** We sat silently for a while again. I feel so comfortable around him. I'm not worried about getting hurt. I can just... Relax. 

After a bit, I took a deep breath and decided to ask Jack another question.

"So, do you ever think about leaving New York?" I look towards Jack and I see a smile begin to grow.

"There's this town out West..."

To be continued...

Word Count - 1309

Unscripted (Jack & Crutchie)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα