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Hi! Im liz and welcome to this fanfic! It'll be cringey as hell but I'm gonna at least try and hopefully not give up on the second chapter and fyi tigerstar isn't shadowclan leader in some/all of it so ill be referring to him as tigerclaw a lot. Also as mentioned in the description i am not going to be doing smut in this fanfic so if that is what you are looking for, go and find somewhere else to look, unless you want to keep reading, if so then idk why. Anyway~ enjoy!!
Word count: 666


Darkstripe sat down on the hard floor and felt the rough earth underneath him, he opened his mouth and inhaled the sweet forest air, he couldn't make out any enemy clans, but there was a stale thunderclan scent underneath the layers of leaves and flowers. He preferred the wild than the clan, but he knew he couldn't leave, but what if he found out? Yes he would have to find a way he could go if the worst happened, but darkstripe didn't know how it could happen, but still, he slowly got up from the ground and looked around, he knew the forest like the back of his paw, he knew he could get here from camp, but where from here? He could go twoleg place, but that's where the murderous bloodclan camped, so he imminently ruled that out. He could stay in the forest, but what if he got caught? He couldn't think of anything else, so he decided, for now, to go back to camp, and if needed, go back to the place where he lay now, and think of somewhere to go. On his way back his mind kept racing. All he could think about was him, tigerclaw.

Meanwhile back at the camp, tigerclaw was becoming increasingly worried, where was darkstripe? He heard pawsteps next to him but didnt care until the sweet voice of spottedleaf came out beside him, 'you're worried about him aren't you?' She said 'I- how-' 'you know,we know a lot more than you think, tigerclaw, dont worry, he'll be back soon.' Tigerclaw sighed and had to admit she was right, he had went like this before, and came back safely, but tigerclaw was still worried, he always was. He followed spottedleaf into her den, just as darkstripe walked into camp. Darkstipe saw the two walk off, but failed to see the worry that clouded tigerclaws piercing amber eyes. He stalked off to the warriors den and layed down, it reminded him on the forest, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Tigerclaw sprinted around camp, he didnt know darkstripe was already back. He was almost ready to go ut into the forest to try and find him where a tired voice came out from behind him, 'tigerclaw what are you doing? You've woken half the camp up.' Despite the tiredness, the humour in darkstripes eyes were unmistakable. 'Where the hell where you?!' Tigerclaw said, mixed between annoyed and amused, 'i went to the forest, it helps me relax..' darkstripe said, trailing off at the end of his sentence, the humour in his eyes was gone, and his voice sounded guilty and ashamed, as if he said something wrong. 'Hey its fine! Just tell me next time so i dont have to worry anymore, also tell me when you expect to be back, so if you aren't back i can go and look for you.' 'You were worried?' Darkstripe seemed far from comforted and looked even more ashamed but there was something else in the look he gave tigerclaw, was it hope? Catching himself, tigerclaw said, 'hey its fine, just tell me next time, and of couse i was worried, i care about you.' 'O-ok' darkstripe said, barley audible 'are you sure theres nothing else bothering you? You never stutter.' 'Don't worry, I'm fine.' 'Ok..' tigerclaw said, disbelieving, and they both walked down to the warriors den together.


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