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My parents have always said I was a miracle. That they tried many times before they had me. That I answered all their prayers. That I was their proudest creation.

But all that is a lie. I was never theirs. I wasn't even born...whole. Came out a little too early.

I'm not supposed to exist.


I read the thesis I stumbled upon again. The words "fetus" "premature" "sustained environment" "test tubes" and other strange medical terms stuck in my head. 

"Brandon! Dinner!" I heard my mom shout.

I could not move. All I had to do was clean my dad's study but instead I accidentally read an article that makes me question my very existence. I kept reading, ignoring her calls, hoping to find a line that says none of this is true.

"Brandon, it's time for--" my mom stopped at the doorway. "Oh no..."

I stood up and turned to her. I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Mom. What am I?"

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