16. No time at all I followed you into the hall

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Today was Alex's first day back in school after 2 weeks recovering, staying at home with George. He was understandably nervous but the only thing making it better was George being moved to all his lessons because Alex didn't think he could stomach being alone.

The two were getting ready to leave when Alex sat down on Georges bed.
"What's wrong babe?" George whispered as he sat next to Alex wrapping him in a hug.
"I'm scared" Alex whispered.
"Baby it's okay I'm gonna be with you all day" George reassured.
"I-I know I just f-feel like I'm gonna have panic attack and I don't want to" Alex mumbled, burying his face into Georges shoulder.

George nodded and stood up smiling as Alex pouted at him.
"Give me a second babe" George smiled as he walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a hoodie.
"Put this on" George smiled chucking the hoodie at Alex who smiled widely.
"Thanks Georgie... I love your hoodies... I love you more though" Alex smiled, as he leaned up to kiss his boyfriend.

Alex and George walked side by side towards the school their hands brushing against each other.
"I love you" George whispered as they reached the gate, Alex gulped and nodded in reply as they entered the gate. George scanned the playground looking for their friends, when he spotted them he pulled the younger boy towards them.

"ALEXXXXX I missed youuuu" Gee screamed running over to them and hugging him.
"Hey Gee missed you too" Alex smiled. The whole group came and hugged Alex and asked him endless questions.
"Woah give the boy a break" George said trying to sound jokey but sounding more serious and protective then he intended.

"Oooooh big lad George is all protective over baby imallexx" Lewis laughed. George rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth.
"I'll give you baby imallexx... my baby imallexx" George muttered under his breath.
"What did you say George?" James said raising his eyebrow.
"Nothing mate" George smirked feeling Alex elbow him.

The bell rang signalling the start of the day, Alex groaned and hid his face in Georges shoulder.
"It's okay Al... let's go" George said wrapping an arm around Alex's shoulder. He kissed his cheek as they walked behind their other friends. Alex blushed slightly secretly hoping one of their friends had seen them.

He and George had agreed they weren't going to actually tell their closest friends they were dating instead they were going to see if they figured it out by acting coupley at lunch. Alex for obvious reasons didn't want the whole school to find out about him and George so they were going to keep it hidden from the majority of the school.

"Welcome back Alex and George as well" The Teacher said as the boys entered their 1st period English lesson.
"Hey Mr Edwards... hope you didn't miss us too much" George said cheekily as he pulled a chair out for a painfully quiet Alex to sit on.
"Still as cheeky as ever I see" Mr Edward smiled back. George rolled his eyes and sat next to Alex

George moved himself close enough to Alex that their legs were touching, it was Georges way of reminding Alex that he was right next to him. The lesson continued Alex remaining silent occasionally talking Georges pen from him to correct his spelling. At the end of the lesson the two boys left Alex walking close to Georges side, they headed quickly down the corridor to Geography in order to get Alex out of the crowded corridor.

When they reached the classroom it was empty so George pulled Alex in for a hug kissing his forehead before they sat down together.
"You're doing so well babe only 1 more lesson until we have a free and then it's lunch time" George hummed. Alex nodded as the room filled with people once again.

After Geography Alex and George headed straight to the field behind the tree line where all their friends had agreed to meet for lunch so Alex didn't have to sit in the busy canteen. George sat on the grass leaning against a tree, Alex dumped his bag onto the floor and sat in Georges lap facing him. George wrapped his arms around Alex's waist and let the boy rest his head on his shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you Alex" George whispered as his rubbed his boyfriends back.
"I love you Georgie" Alex mumbled.
"I love you more cutie" George replied. George could feel Alex's soft breathing in his neck, the younger boy must have fallen asleep because he was now limp in Georges arms.

George smiled and rubbed Alex's back gently. That was how the two stayed through until lunch when their friends begun to arrive, George however didn't have the heart to wake Alex up so he let the boy stay asleep on him.

"Hey George what's going on here?" Mia asked as she an Aria sat down.
"Oh nothing he's just asleep" George smiled, Mia nodded as she looked suspiciously at the two not quite believing George.
"Howay lads I am here" Will announced as he threw himself onto the ground next to Mia.
"Jesus Will slow down will ya?" Stephen panted as he joined the group.
"Ayyyy what do we have here?" Will smirked at George.

"He needed a hug and he's tired because he couldn't sleep last night he was tossing and turning all night" George explained.
"Why do you know that George? It's not like you sleep together" Stephen laughed. George coughed slightly which made Alex stir.
"What?" Stephen asked confused as to why everyone was looking at him funny.
"Nothing ste... nothing at all" Aria laughed as she waved at the rest of their group who were approaching.

~Authors note~
Stephen bestie do you not get the hint lmaooo

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