13. Funny how it seems like yesterday

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Alex was sat on the bed hoping that George would pick up this time, he must have called the man 20 or more times. He was worried, George had a tendency to do stupid things when he was upset or stressed. Alex remembered clearly when a little over a year ago Georges brother was in a car accident and George had gotten high off his face to cope and Alex had to bring the boy back to his and lay with him as he sobbed. Georges brother was fine in the end but Alex was seriously worried about the boy now.

George picked up he actually picked up, Alex felt a rush of relief wash over him.
"Alex" George whispered down the phone.
"Georgie where did you go?" Alex asked trying to hide his concern.
"I'm somewhere with the sky" George incoherently replied.
"What do you mean?" Alex asked already knowing what Georges mumbling meant. He had done something stupid he'd gotten off his face again and this time Alex couldn't go and rescue him.

Alex successfully convinced George to come back, now he was anxiously waiting for him to get in. Alex was ignoring the throbbing pain that still was his ribs and instead focusing on George and the kiss. He had actually kissed him, George had kissed Alex completely sober and by his own choice. In that moment Alex's crush on George had been confirmed in fact it had developed into some sort of love sick kind of want.

Alex was dragged out of his thoughts when he heard the front door open, the sound of George grunting as he kicked off his shoes echoed through the house. Suddenly Alex was nervous to see what kind of state his best friend was in. He could hear Georges uneven footsteps getting closer as the boy swayed down the corridor.

George pushed open the door and stood in the doorway. Alex could see dark circles under his eyes accompanied by the tell tale redness that told Alex that George was in fact high. Alex stayed silent opting to just pat the bed next to him opening his arms as sign for George to lay down.

George reluctantly approached the bed collapsing onto it face down. Alex sighed and pat Georges back not wanting to disturb the obviously confused and upset boy. He listened as the boys breathing evened out, indicating he was probably fast asleep or in some drug induced haze.

Alex could physically smell the familiar scent as it practically seeped through the boys skin and cling to his hair and clothes. Alex grabbed a bottle of aftershave from Georges bedside table and sprayed it over the boy trying to cover the smell just in case his Mum came home. Alex pulled Georges hood down so he could see the side of his face and brushed his hand through the boys tangled hair.

He couldn't help but think that it was funny how it seem like yesterday when they were in this exact position but in Alex's room. George laying face down on the bed high out of his mind and Alex sitting next to him looking after him. Alex remembered everything about that day and not just because of Georges brother, because he just realised that was the day he started falling for George.

Alex continued rubbing Georges head, the boy silently shuffled himself closer to Alex and lay his head on his stomach burying himself in Alex's shirt. Alex's eyes widened, he didn't know wether George knew what he was doing right now but he certainly didn't object. Instead Alex just begun stroking up and down Georges back with one hand whist playing with the boys hair with the other.

"Oh George what have you done to me" Alex muttered under his breath. He looked down at the boy to see him fast asleep and smiling, Alex felt his stomach flutter and a smile spread across his own face. Alex could definitely get used to this.

~Authors note~
Cute 😭

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