14. As I recall you were looking out of place

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Alex spent the next 4 hours with a sleeping George laying on him switching between scrolling in his phone and watching the boy. He knew George would wake up eventually and that they had a serious conversation when he eventually did. But right now it was peaceful and Alex was planning how he was going to talk to George and what he was going to say. He knew he wanted to tell George how he felt but first he wanted to know what the other boy felt.

Alex felt George shift on top of him, the older boy yawned slightly and rubbed his face against Alex's torso. He let out a weak groan and opened his eyes, his eyes widened when he realised how he was laying. He almost panicked and ran again but Alex was there stopping him and keeping him laying down.

"Hey George" Alex whispered keeping his voice soft.
"I'm sorry about this..." George mumbled vaguely.
"Sorry about what? Sorry about falling asleep on me?... because I don't mind... or are you sorry for leaving me alone to get high and then coming back a mess?" Alex questioned as he brushed Georges cheek.
"Second one" George whispered as he brought his hand to cover his eyes. Alex nodded and sighed keeping his hand on Georges back.

"Your head hurt?" Alex questioned when he noticed George squinting and covering his eyes.
"Yeah" George croaked, Alex nodded and reached over and grabbed a paracetamol form the side table.
"Here take this" Alex hummed holding the pill in front of Georges mouth. George opened his mouth and let Alex drop the pill into his mouth taking the glass from his hand as he did so.

Alex gave George a minute in silence before attempting to speak to him again.
"George we have to talk" Alex sighed.
"I-I know" Georges whispered sitting up with his knees brought to his chest. Alex took a deep breath and smiled faintly at George who was looking back at him through his eyelashes.

"You kissed me George... you kissed me and ran away" Alex whispered.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to kiss you... I-I it just happened and I'm sorry to th-that I ran away but I panicked because you obviously didn't want to kiss me and I'm just sorry" George said quietly holding back tears. Alex was shocked... George really thought that he's didn't want to kiss him... he thought Alex didn't enjoy it.

"Who said I didn't wanna kiss you?" Alex asked. George looked up at Alex confused.
"What?" George asked quietly.
"I said... who said I didn't wanna kiss you George?" Alex repeated as a smile spread across his face.
"Well I just assumed that beca—" George begun ramble only to be interpreted by Alex.
"Well you assumed wrong" Alex smiled. George obviously hadn't registered what Alex said and continued rambling.
"because we're best friends and you would never love a guy like me... What did you say?" George stuttered.

"I said you assumed wrong... George why do you think I would never love someone like you?" Alex said slightly hurt that George thought he didn't love him.
"W-well I'm a stupid useless weed smoking idiot that can barley spell or read and is failing school Alex... just doesn't seem like your type at all" George explained feeling tears prick in his eyes. Alex sighed and pulled George into a hug rubbing the mans back comfortingly.

"George you are anything but an idiot and you are certainly not useless... George you are the most caring and kind person I know all you ever do is make sure I'm okay. You're perfect George and of course I love you" Alex confessed. George pulled away and looked at Alex who smiled and repeated his words.
"Of course I love you George" Alex whispered as he touched Georges cheek.

George gulped and took in a sharp breath.
"You... you love me?" George questioned deeply shocked by Alex's revelation. Alex only nodded and smiled taking the boys hands in his own.
"Alex I erm... I think that erm.... Ithinkthatimgay" George rushed out.
"Say it again George... say it slower it's okay" Alex reassured.
"I think that I'm gay..." George repeated smiling at Alex who nodded and pulled the boy in for a tight hug letting him nuzzle into his neck.

"Alex I think that I'm gay... I think that I'm in love with you... and I know I want you to be my boyfriend.... so will you? Alex will you be my boyfriend?" George asked. Alex's eyes widened and he pulled George up from his neck and looked his straight in the eyes.
"Yes George of course I will" Alex smiled as he grabbed Georges chin and joined their lips for a moment.

George felt his whole body tingle and his cheeks heat up as Alex kissed him. When the boy pulled away he smiled sweetly at him and opened his arms.
"Now come and give me a cuddle you adorable idiot" Alex hummed. George smiled again and leant in letting Alex wrap his arms tightly around him. Suddenly George didn't feel out of place this was here he was meant to be... right here in Alex's arms.

~Authors note~
Finally we have official Memeullexx
We Stan

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