15. Your Voice has Chased Away all the Sanity in Me

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Author's Note: Oof. Rough one for a Monday.

15. Your Voice has Chased Away all the Sanity in Me

Mitch approached the Primus with his head bowed.

"You came empty handed?" The low voice drawled.

Mitch shook his head. "He is with your guards."

The Primus eyed him for a moment before calling out, his voice booming. "Bring him in."

The doors opened again, and Mitch fought against rushing towards the large guard who held the sheet-covered body in his hands.

The guard approached, and let the contents of his hands fall to the ground with an unceremonious thud.

Mitch felt the growl deep in his own throat. The Primus laughed.

"Bring him to the table."

The guard crouched down and took the body in his hands again, bringing it to the table before letting it fall from his grasp again.

"Leave us," the Primus ordered. The guard bowed, and was gone.

"We'll bring him back to life first. We will let his wounds heal, and then we will begin the process of changing his timeline."

Mitch nodded.

The Primus got right to work taking the sheet off. Mitch nearly gagged at the sight as Scott came into view.

"First time seeing my guards' handiwork?" The Primus asked. But before Mitch could answer, the Primus reached forward, cupping Scott's cheek.

"At least they didn't damage his face."

He continued to unwrap the blond, and Scott's tattered, bloodstained clothes nearly fell off of his frame.

What lay below those clothes was aggravated flesh, open wounds, and exposed bone.

Mitch couldn't look away.

"They really did a number on this pretty body," the Primus teased, pulling Scott's torn shirt off the rest of the way. "Give me the blood."

Mitch complied, unable to peel his eyes away from Scott's collarbone, which was fully exposed through a gaping wound. Mitch's stomach churned.

The Primus began the same ritual that Mitch had seen his mother complete many times.

The flames, the muttering, the kiss to the forehead. It was all the same.

The heart-wrenching scream was also the same.

Mitch rushed forward, grabbing his hand.

"I'm so fucking sorry," Mitch whispered, unsure of anything else that he could say.

The Primus poured a vial of liquid over his hand as he watched, quietly, and approached them. Mitch watched with narrowed eyes as he looked down at Scott's struggling form, as Scott struggled to breathe.

His lungs were clearly punctured. He couldn't take a breath.

The Primus laid his soaked hand on Scott's chest, and Mitch fought against the urge to tear the man's fingers off for touching him.

But Scott could breathe as soon as that hand came to rest.

"Breathe deeply," the Primus said, softly. Scott did so desperately, taking a deep breath as the Primus' hand roamed from his left side to his right. "Good, that's it. Again."

Mitch nearly collapsed at the soothing sound of the monster's voice as Scott took shaky breath after shaky breath, each one coming more easily to him than the last.

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