Wanna go on a Trip?

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Gonta had a trip coming up soon to Jurasic Park.Where he wanted to check out the prehistoric bug exhibition, but he didn't want to go alone. Gonta decided to bring Kokichi with him. Kokichi seemed to really like bugs aswell, at least ot seems that way.

So Gonta began running over to Kokichi's house clenching two admission tickets to Jurasic Park.

As Gonta arrived at Kokichi's he rang the doorbell waiting slightly nervously for Kokichi to answer.

After a couple moments the purple haired boy opened the door. "Hello, Kokichi" began Gonta slightly nervously. "Would you like to go to Jurasic Park with Gonta, Gonta have second ticket for Kokichi" Gonta finished now confidently. Kokichi was tired but after hearing those words he suddenly felt as if he just drank 2 gallons of energy drinks but he tried 5o hide his excitment. "Sure, but I don't gotta" laughed Kokichi hiding all readable emotions. Gonta immediately cheered with joy "YAY"

And so it was decided they would go at sundown.

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