4: Author Here: Going Mental. Wish Me Luck.

Start from the beginning

You bow slightly for formalities, "I'm the temporary human exchange student. Please take good care of me, I hope to get along with all of you."

But that's impossible, you can't be her. You're just some human normie with freaky coincidences; Leviathan reassures himself. [Y/n] was last seen at the Rengoku Estate with Kyojuro, so she should still be there with him.

(A/N Reminder: The Kimetsu no Yaiba manga is still about Tanjiro. At this time in the manga, Tanjiro is still fighting Upper Moon Five [Who are former Upper Moon Six]: Gyutarou and Daki. Leviathan has no knowledge on you after the Kamaboko Squad left with Uzui to the Red Light District.)

Not only that, you have scars on your face, and [Y/n] doesn't. Leviathan nods to himself before he goes back to playing his game.

"Eh? Lucifer wasn't joking? You really don't speak Japanese?" Mammon raises a brow.

You laugh a bit nervously, "Um... My Japanese is very old fashion. I don't speak modern Japanese. and I can barely understand modern Japanese, but I'm on thin-fucking-ice."

Leviathan's grip on his game console tightens. You wouldn't be able to speak modern Japanese if all you had to learn was 1900's Japanese.


This was probably just a weird coincidence, too.



"Wha? Man, that's weird," Mammon then smiles and straightens up, "Oh well! Let's start from oldest to youngest! Me first!"

His accent was so fucking cute.

"I'm the Avatar of Greed, the second brother," Mammon does a flamboyant pose, "The Great Mammon!"

You will not call him Mammon pronounced similar to Jamón (which is Spanish for ham), because Mammon is a bad word in Spanish! You will call him Mammon pronounced as... Salmon...

Nailed it.

You hide your grin behind your hand, "You're super cool, dude. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Mammon falters for a moment before he laughs, "Of course, it's a pleasure!"

You all look at Leviathan.

"Leviathan. Avatar of Envy. Third oldest brother," He narrows his eyes suspiciously.

"Since his name is kind of hard to pronounce, you can just call him Levi," Satan informs.

You always thought the 'Levi' part of his name was pronounced the same way as Levi from Attack On Titan. But the way they were saying it was like 'Levy' from Fairy Tail.

You sweat nervously under his stare, "What uh... what are you playing there...?"

What's his deal? At least his accent was cute, too.

Leviathan sinks into his seat, "Wouldn't you like to know, normie."

"Riiight, my fault for asking, huh? Nice to meet you, Levi," You rub your arm, "Um, who's next?"

"I'm the fourth oldest brother," Satan said from your side, "But you know this already."

"Then, it's my turn!" Asmodeus smiles and poses dramatically, "I'm Asmodeus, the fifth and most beautiful brother! I am the Avatar of Lust!"

"Ohh, saucy," You chuckle, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Asmodeus."

Alarms blair in your mind, and you tense up just a bit. That mission with Iguro absolutely scarred you for life.

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