The Concert

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Heyyy welcome to the second chapter, it's party time. What do you think is going to happen at the concert? Anyways enjoy!

Luke's P.O.V
The day after my father's announcement at around 9:30 p.m or so it was time to get out of here, since Alex and Reggie are staying the night at the castle we could all go together.

Alex, Reggie and I have a band called Sunset Curve. Alex plays the drums, Reggie plays the Bass Guitar and I play the electric.We rock but no one that has anything to do with our royal lives knows about it. My dad would freak if he found out. He would probably kick me out of the castle, not the first time it's happened.

Sunset Curve was playing at a small club in a village in the kingdom. Not many people know about us so there usually isn't a large audience. I don't mind though cause all that matters is we get to play.

We got to the club we were playing at and it was lit. There was lots of people there and everyone looked hyped.

"Wow, so not used to this" Reggie said
"Definitely" I agreed.

We had to borrow instruments since there was no way we could have some of our own.

As we got our things set up I peeked behind the curtains, as I scanned the crowd there was someone who caught my eye.

"Woah..."I breathed.
"What?" both Alex and Reggie said
"Oh-um nothing"
"Checkin' out all the girls huh"Reggie said
"That you can't have" Alex reminded
"Who said I was looking at girls" I questioned
"Says the blush on your face" Reggie responded with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and walked away.

That performance was one of our best yet. We played Now or Never. It's our newest and personally my favorite.

During the performance the girl who caught my eye and I locked eyes. I gave her one of my signature smiles and continued with the song.

Julie's P.O.V
Yesterday what Flynn told me was amazing, incredible, life-changing. Okay, maybe that last one is stretching it a little. Anyways, Flynn got us tickets to the hottest club in the village. It's called Spots.

(So original I know)

And this hot new band was playing, Sunset Curve. Although they seemed to come from nowhere, they are the talk of the town. I bet everyone knows who they are, well except the royal family, they never listen to villagers even when we need it the most...

I was getting ready for my night out when my dad came into the room.

"Hey mija, how was your day" my dad greeted us as he leaned against the door in my room.
"It was ok, um hey dad is it ok if I go to a concert with Flynn today. I did all my chores and I cooked dinner an-"
"Yes, you can go."
"Yay! Thanks papi."I give him a big bear hug
"No problem mija"My dad chuckles
"Tías here!" We can here Carlos shouting from the kitchen
"Well you better go fast or Tías not going to let you go"
"Thanks again, bye papi"

I met up with Flynn at her house. One of her older brothers was going to drive us there. Apparently he owes Flynn after she caught him sneaking in. Honestly I'm not surprised, she knows everything.

"Hey, you ready to go" I said to Flynn
"Yup, and by the way you look amazing."
"Thanks so do you"
I was wearing an off the shoulder white crop top with some ripped jeans and my air force's. I painted butterflies on them to add a pop of color.

When we arrived, we could hear the music from outside.

Flynn got for her brother tickets as well so he wouldn't have to drive to their house then come back.

When we got inside there were so many people.

"Let's push our way to the front" I shouted. Flynn nodded.
I grabbed her hand and held my breath. I dived into the crowd and didn't stop till we reached the front.
After a couple minutes I saw a guy peek out of the curtains. "Whose that" I asked Flynn. But she was gone, probably blackmailing her brother into getting us snacks.

The guy had a smoky grey beanie on with brown tussled hair under it. He looked in my direction and I smiled at him, he smirked back and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.
Since when do I blush?
It's only a matter of time befo-

"Woah! Who's the guy that made Julie blush." Flynn said as she was came back.
"Um. I think it's the heat in here, you know so many people in here..."
"Please, when it was 110 degrees last summer and all you got was a gorgeous tan."
I knew I couldn't fool her. Like I said before, Flynn knows everything.
"Fine, I think one of the band members looked behind the curtain and he saw me" finally confessed.
"Oooh which one"
The curtains opened and the band looked ready.
"Uh, look they're ready"
Beanie Boy announced "We're Sunset Curve"
A band member wearing a leather jacket with a with a white shirt and a red flannel added "Tell your friends"
"Tonight we are going to be performing Now or Never"

Beanie boy seems to be the lead singer.
They're amazing in person,
I've heard rumors but this is next level.
Everyone started getting up and dancing.

When they finished, I went to the bathroom. As I was washing my hands I found myself humming to their song. Then a very pretty young lady comes in and starts fixing her make-up.
"What are you looking at?" she says sharply
"um. nothing sorry"
ugh. rude much.
"Excuse me! Do you know who your talking to?!"
oh sh-

"I am princess Carrie from the best neighboring kingdom. If it wasn't for us then you wouldn't have the resources you have today or your stupid little market place." she shot
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean it"
"That's what I thought"
She strutted out of the bathroom.
I waited a few good minutes before I left.
Man was she scary...

When I met up with Flynn again I told her all about my encounter with Carrie.
"She sounds like a real snake" Flynn said
"If snakes were pink"
"Come on, we're here to have fun, not talk about pink snakes. And look over there"
I looked where she was pointing and I saw the lead singer. It looked like he was looking in our direction. I looked towards Flynn with hesitance, should I go over?
She nodded rapidly and pushed me. Typical.

As I was making my way over to the tussled haired boy something or some people stopped me and I panicked.

Those people better get a move on...

Comment and tell me your thoughts and vote please. See you next chapter!

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