Ishani : I love you so much rohit. Yes I will be ur love rohit.  I love you so much.

She hug him. He also hug.

He broke the hug.

Ishani : lets go outside or they will think what We are doing

Rohit : only vansh not riddhima.

Ishani : means she knows very thing

Rohit nodded. She was going but rohit hold her wrist and pinned her at wall.
Rohit : u can't go like that. First u hv to pay the fees to exist.

Ishani : means

Rohit smashes his lip into her lips. They share Passionate kiss.
They broke the kiss after 1 minute due to lack of oxygen.

Rohit : let's go

Ishani blushed and nodded.

They went to rohit cabin but they saw it is locked.

Rohit: vansh riddhima open the door or I will break it

They both get from there position. Vansh open the door.

Rohit and ishani came  inside.

Rohit : why u hv close the door.

Riddhima : ac-tu-ally

Vansh : rohit actually we saw cockroach .so we closed the door

Ishani : oh.
( thinking) : I know that u want to pacify riddhima.

Then vansh got a call.

Unknown : I'm coming tonight

Vansh : what (happily)

Unknown : yes.. By 8 or 9 I would have reach in home

Vansh : come fast sid I can't wait to see you

Sid : OK bye..

Vansh : bye.

They cut the call

Vansh : ishani sid is coming back tonight.

Ishani : yes.

She happily hug rohit. Rohit hug her back.

Riddhima : finally what u want to u got it.

Vansh : what ( angrily)

They broke the hug.

Rohit : actually

Riddhima : actually Bhai always want his friends to be happy.

Vansh : then okay. So tomorrow I'm planning a lunch date with my friends. So rohit, riddhima u are invited. I will call rohan and sejal and I will inform them. Tomorrow sid will also join.

Riddhima and rohit : okay.

Vansh : ishani lets leave.

Ishani : sure.

Riddhima : msg me when you reach home.

Ishani : oh when did u exchange numbers?

Rohit : yes when

Riddhima : yesterday.

Vansh : let's leave. He smiled at riddhima.

They went from there and rohit and riddhima drove to AR mansion.

In vr mansion :

Everyone were sitting in the living room as vansh has talk and told to be present in the living room. he and ishani came.

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