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"Whistles.. screaming in unison. Hundreds of them." Gerard gasped.

"There's- there's more of them?!" Mikey exclaimed, and fell to his awkward knees.

"They're coming for us." Frank whispered, and Gerard fell to his knees too.

"No." He gasped, and this time he was the one to cry.


And on this episode of Thomas ATTACKS!!! How will famous american punk rock band My Chemical Romance deal with the rest of the Trainpocalypse??1??1?1?


Frank stared into the atmospheric distance, where a rumbling was begining to be heard.

"They're running. All of them." Mikey said gravely, and. "We killed their god. They are angry."

Frank nodded in understanding. "They want revenge." He understood that well, but that did not mean the trains would be having their blood today.

"Get up." He said to Gerard and Mikey, sternly, and they rose shakily to their feet.

"If I could take down their god- the most powerful of them, surely our power combined can fight off all of them- they are smaller, weaker, we can do this, team!" He exclaimed, and Gerard stared at him with wide eyes.

"But you had temporary god powers too- we don't." He said quietly, and Frank shook his head.

"Yes you do. You must simply believe in them." He said inspiringly.

"Think. What did they take from you. From us." He said, looking at each of them in turn.

Ray looked down, "My guitar." He said after a long moment, it had been destroyed when Thomas had ascended from above, in the middle of one of their shows.

A sudden shudder passed through him, and his eyes widened. "My fucking guitar." He growled animalistically, and that same fury that had come over Frank came over him, his eyes glowing with white flames and his fingers twitching, he now had the strength of a thousand men, he could topple a skyscraper if he wanted to.

Frank nodded in approval and turned to point at Mikey, who took off his glasses and threw them dramatically to the ground, glaring directly at Frank.

"Our purpose." He said, "Our purpose to play music and spread a fucking message to the world." He growled, and his eyes glowed with the revenge fire too, he felling into his power stance for playing bass and his hair flew up out of his eyes into an intimidating and sexy style. He now had the power to blind his enemies. A sword had also materialized at his side- a giant katana- and he swung it in a wide arc paired with a brand new badass karate move. He could cut through anything.

Frank grinned and then he looked directly at Gerard, who stared right back.

His eyes were already glowing slightly, but upon the words that came out of his mouth that fire glowed so brightly that all of them had to shield their eyes and look away.

When they looked back, the fire was at a non-blinding brightness, and Gerard now stood tall, determination in his gaze. Striking red hair now flowed out from an undercut, and in his hand was a yellow gun. He raised it and pointed at the nearest car, and then pulled the trigger. A beam came out of it, growing in size until it struck the car, blowing a cannon-sized hole right through it, and then it exploded, and the four were sillohetted by a wall of flame just like in any worthwhile action movie.

He had said, "Our fucking fans."

And Frank still had his rocket launcher and his pure rat-like, feral strength and furiousity and crave for vengeance for the slaughter for his dogs.

"We are ready." He said, and they stood in v formation, facing the oncoming tank engines, fully prepared for the fight ahead.

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