"Are you sure? I can have Steve bring me back," Harry glanced at the soldier who was fiddling with something that didn't need fixing, not so subtly listening in on the conversation.

"No, you're okay. Go ahead and get some baking done, and make sure to bring me back a sample of whatever you're working on," Harry could hear the smile in his dad's voice, and it made him relax a bit. He had been afraid that leaving with only a note would upset Tony, and he was relieved that his dad wasn't mad at him.

"Okay. I think Peter is going to stop by later to help, so he might be a bit late to his 'internship' today," Harry replied, teasing with Tony. He knew that the so called 'internship' was just an excuse for both Peter and Tony to spend time in the workshop. He wasn't really sure what they did during that time, but he wasn't jealous. He thought it was good that they both had an outlet that helped them relieve stress. It was like the workshop was their bakery-- someplace to forget everything else and just do what they enjoyed.

"Alright, thanks for letting me know. I'll see you later, kiddo. Love you," Tony spoke with ease, the phrase coming out naturally, but not without meaning.

Harry smiled, and replied "I love you too, dad," before hitting end call. As he passed the phone back to Steve, he could see the super-soldier smiling.


"Harry!" Steve called into the kitchen from where he was doing some last minute repairs in the front of house. "Peter's here!"

"Okay, I'm coming!" Harry replied, brushing his hands off on a stray towel before wiping them again on his apron for good measure.

"I'm going to run down the street to the hardware store really quick, are you two going to be alright here by yourselves?" Steve asked, stepping into the kitchen.

"We'll be fine, thanks Steve," Harry grinned. The captain gave him a thumbs up and grabbed his wallet from the counter, slipping out the back door. Harry wiped his hands on the apron once more, before walking out of the kitchen.

"Harry!" Peter exclaimed, bounding towards him and wrapping him up in a hug. They hadn't had a chance to see one another since the night that Bellatrix, Fenrir and Lucius had kidnapped Harry.

Harry stiffened, waiting for the pain that he was sure to feel with the inevitable tight hug, but it never came. Instead, Peter's arms were soft and gentle around him, making him feel safe and comfortable.

Peter pulled away, immediately diving into mother-hen mode as he checked Harry over head to toe.

"Are you okay? I didn't get a chance to check on you after the other night, and your nurse wouldn't let me in to see you, and-"

"Peter," Harry interrupted with a smile. "I'm alright. A bit sore all over, but Madame Pomfrey's got me on some pain potions that help."

Peter's brown eyes were wide with concern as he gazed at Harry, trying to decide whether his boyfriend was telling the truth or lying. Ultimately, at the relaxed expression on Harry's face, he decided that he must be telling the truth.

"Harry, I just wanted to apologize again for the other day, with the kids from my school-" Peter started, but Harry just help up a hand.

"Peter, I understand. You don't need to apologize again. I... I've been there before. With Cedric. He was ready to tell people, but I thought his friends in his house might be a bit more accepting than my friends or the people in my house. You don't need to apologize because I understand, and I forgive you."

Peter pulled Harry in again and planted a soft kiss to his forehead. Harry closed his eyes and leaned into his embrace.

"I love you Peter," Harry murmured the words for the first time, voice barely audible against the fabric of Peter's thick sweater. But it was loud enough for Peter, who cupped Harry's chin and tilted it up gently.

"I love you too," he smiled, capturing Harry's lips in a sweet kiss.

Moments later, Harry pulled away, biting his lip shyly. He grasped Peter's hand in his own, and began pulling him towards the kitchen doors.

"Now that that's out of the way," he teased, opening the doors to reveal the messy state of the kitchen. "We've got a lot of baking to do."

Peter's eyes grew wide as he took in the sight, but then he glanced at the look of happiness and ease on Harry's face, one that he so rarely saw, and grinned.

"Bring it on."


(A/N: AHHH! This story is getting so close to it's end! It's really bittersweet, actually-- I've been working on this story for so long, and have been putting it's end off for a while. But it's getting really long and drawn out, and there are other stories that I'm starting/ about to start that deserve some attention as well. So that means there will probably be between 3 and 5 chapters left in this story!!! However, I'm starting a Marauder's fic that I think you guys would really like, and I encourage you to check out. It's called 'When it's all Over' and is going to follow the Marauder's through their lives, deaths, and even after! So go check that out while you wait for the next update of this story! Thanks again for reading, and I hope you're still enjoying! Stay safe and healthy everyone!!!)

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