chapter 11 : forgotten memoires

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Told form blossom's point of view

I got off a pile of trash and bumped into a lady goblin with huge red hair and golden eyes. She had a huge pack back on her back that had stuff pilling out of it. " watch were you're going!" She snapped. " where was I even going?" I mubbled. " well if ya don't know where ya going, ya are gonna end up hurt!" The junk lady snapped. " sorry" I said. " I think I have something for you" her tone went to a soft one. She pulled out captian kitty. " where ever did you get this?" I asked. She placed her in my hand. " I got something else for ya" she made her way to a big oak tree with a door craved on it.

Once we went in, i was in my room without the junk lady. " but how?" I mubbled. " come on, Capitan kitty, let's go see if mother is back yet" I sighed.

🌹 A/N : the reason lossom thinks her mother still lives with her and her father is because the peach made her forget everything that happened in the beginning of the book and her panrets' decvioirce.📕

Once i opened the door, i found the junk lady behind it. " what is going on!" I gasped. The lady moved me closer to my vianty chair and told me to sit. I did as she told me to. She began to pile stuff onto me. " oh! Look at little ann" she putted my brunette doll in my lap. " and you're little bear stuff animal" he placed that on my doll.

" and your cat slippers"
" who's this! Why it's little Bella rose fairy!"
She kept pilling my thins on top of me. By the time she gave me my music box with the little doll in a qhite puffy gown,  the stuff fell off of me. I lsiten to the music the box played. I then picked up a red book that caught my eye. I flipped to the last couple of pages. "I've braved dnagers unforseen, troubles untold" i read outloud. " hardships have been in numbers quite large, but I've faced them all!". " I've sloved your labyrinth, made it trough the goblin city, before thritten dark hours were up". " for I, Sarah Williams, a maiden came to rescue the baby you stole!" A fuzzy pciutre of a baby in a ballet flashed in my mind.

" i have to save kasey!" I stood up. Eveything in my room fell down and the wall truned into a big hole. " i'm coming kasey!" I climbed into the hole and was pulled out by lady Sophie. " you alright, fair dame?" She asked. " i am now!" I smiled. " the goblin city gates are up ahead" she told me. " then let's go a get kasey, my little sister!" I said, full of confidence.

Once we reached the city gates, we found a sleeping gaurd. Lady Sophie hopped off mocha and arppoched the gaurd. She wacked her staff angeist his helmet. " lady Sophie! Stop it!" I gasped. " why? Do you want me to be a coward?" She asked. " stopping doesn't make you a coward, it just makes you smart" I said. She then backed down. " fox" the gaurd said in his sleep. " why that little!" Lady Sophie made her way to the gaurd and wacked him hard as she could. I had to run and garb her before she could wake the gaurd up. " lady Sophie, please stop! You're giving the goblin king what he wants!" I tried to make her stop with all my might and will power.

But the gaurd woke up when lady Sophie yelled " i shall fry his goblin no good butt in grass on a hot summer day under a hot light!". The gaurd psuhed a brick into place and rushed off. Death spikes came up behind me, codu, and lady Sophie. In the gate doors, a death monster loooking machine popped out of nowhere and began to walk towards us.  Mocha ran off and lady Sophie ran after him.

" codu, could you summon rocks?" I asked him. " rocks no like here" was his answer. Can't use codu's rock summoning powers, what can we do to get out of this death situation!? As soon as our backs were about to touch the spikes  comes out of nowhere and hops on the robot. He then made the robot stop. " wick! You came!" I smiled. " I understand that you want me gone" he hopped off the robot. " wick, wait!" I called. " i'm not mad at you". " really?" He turned his head in my way. I noded. " I forgive you and we're still friends". I nocited i still had his jewels on my belt.

" here" I gave them to him. " thank you, blossom" he smiled. " now let's  go get that no good rat that name is brick!". As soon as we entered the goblin city, it was quiet, a little to much. " is the city always this quiet?" I asked wick. " no idea. Don't live or come here" he answred. " well, be ready for anything" I told my friends.                                              


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