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Twice's flight had just landed and they were on their way back to the dorm. Everything was fine until Nayeon heard Jihyo yelp behind her. She turned around, dropping all her bags to help Jihyo who had fallen. "Hey! Back up! Give Jihyo space, you're trampling one of the members!" Nayeon's yelling startled the paparazzi around them. The glare she was giving them and them listen. As she helped Jihyo up, she made sure she was okay.

"You all should be ashamed, you're all incredibly disrespectful. Give us space." Jihyo stood up but immediately clung to Nayeon. "Ow, my ankle." Nayeon looked down to see Jihyo's ankle was red and was already starting to swell. "Which one of you stepped on her?" A man timidly raised his hand. "What's your name?" He told Nayeon his name. "You'll be hearing from a lawyer of JYP entertainment shortly." He looked scared.

The rest of the girls helped Jihyo get to the van safely. Nayeon was fuming. "Unnie, it's okay. I'll be fine." Nayeon shook her head. "No one should be treated that way. Especially not one of my members." Jihyo felt warmth bloom in her chest at the statement. "Thank you, unnie." Nayeon nodded and held one of Jihyo's hands. When they got back to the dorm they had one of their managers check out Jihyo's ankle.

"It seems to just be twisted. Put some ice on it and try to keep the pressure off of it for a couple of days." Jihyo nodded and let Nayeon help her to her room. "I'll get ice for you." Jihyo nodded with a smile, grateful for Nayeon's care. She ignored the butterflies she felt when Nayeon walked back in. She simply stared while Nayeon helped her with the ice. "There we go, don't move too much, okay? I can get you something if you need it." Jihyo smiled. "Thank you."

"Do you want me to stay here?" Jihyo shrugged. "Sure, I wouldn't mind. We haven't had time for each other recently." Nayeon sat down on a comfy chair that was in the room and turned on the TV. They both fell into a comfortable silence. They both were on their phones, texting different people.

Meanwhile, Momo and Jeongyeon were trying to figure out how to get the two together in another room. "She's texting again." Jeongyeon looked at her own phone, seeing Nayeon's name flash on the screen. "Nayeon is too." They both had observed the interactions of their members over time, soon concluding that they would be absolutely perfect for each other.

"This is getting ridiculous. I say we just lock 'em in a room and wait for them to kiss." Jeongyeon thought about it. "That might actually work." Momo looked surprised. "Okay so like, when?" Jeongyeon stood up and left the room. She came back a minute or two later. "Like right now." Momo said 'oh' and nodded her head. "Okay, very fun."

Nayeon heard the door click. She got up to see what happened and tried to open the door, but it was locked. She unlocked it but she couldn't open the door, the handle was stuck. "What's wrong?" Nayeon scratched her head. "The door is locked." Jihyo raised a brow. "Unlock it." Nayeon kept her hand on her head, perplexed. "I did. It won't budge." Jihyo was getting a little distressed. "Are you sure?" Nayeon tried it again, nodding her head shortly after. "Oh, okay. This is fine." Nayeon noticed her distress and sat down on the couch next to her.

"Hey, what's wrong? Does your ankle hurt?" Jihyo shook her head and tried to keep her breathing even. "I get kind of claustrophobic. Even if the room isn't even that small the idea of being locked with no way out makes me really nervous." Nayeon held her hand and tried to comfort her. "It'll be alright, I'll text one of the girls to open the door and we'll be out in no time, yeah?" Jihyo nodded and took deep breaths as Nayeon called Sana.

"Hey, Sana. Can you open the door to Jihyo's room and let us out? The handle is stuck." Nayeon's brows furrowed. "What do you mean?" Nayeon's expression turned sour. "She what?" Nayeon sighed and thanked Sana before calling Momo. "Hey, Momoring." Her tone was sickly sweet. "Come open the door, please." It was more of a command than a request. Then, Nayeon started blushing. "W-what? Momo-" The line went dead.

"What happened?" Nayeon fiddled with the edge of her phone case. "Momo locked us in here, and she said she wouldn't let us out until we kiss or something." Jihyo looked amused. "Just lie." Then, a voice from outside the door. "I heard that!" Nayeon groaned. "Let us out! Jihyo has claustrophobia!" They heard Momo say 'no'. "Not falling for it! You can leave as soon as you kiss~" Nayeon frowned and turned to Jihyo. "I'm sorry, Ji."

Jihyo shook her head. "It's okay, unnie. It isn't so bad since you're here." Nayeon smiled. "But, I kind of have to pee..." Nayeon groaned. "This sucks." Jihyo bit her lip in thought. "We could always kiss." Nayeon's head shot up like lightning. "What?" Jihyo was suddenly embarrassed. "Nevermind, that was a dumb suggestion-" Nayeon shook her head. "No, it wasn't. I just didn't think you'd ever want to do that. Even in this situation."

Jihyo eyed her suspiciously. "So you've thought about kissing me before?" Nayeon sputtered and tried to come up with an excuse. "Hey, it's okay, unnie." She suddenly pulled Nayeon in by her collar. "Kiss me, and I might let you do it again if I get out of here." Nayeon didn't decline and kissed Jihyo tenderly, just how she wanted to be kissed. "Jeongyeon! They did it! They're gay for each other!" They broke away and Nayeon sighed at Momo's goofy nature.

They heard the door click and Nayeon helped Jihyo over to the door. "Thanks, Nabongs. I owe you one." Nayeon poked her gently. "I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me." Jihyo giggled and let Nayeon help her to the bathroom.

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