Not at all like how I saw myself. 

When Roy got sick and I had to choose a new partner, I was honestly shocked when he so readily volunteered. 

Yes, I was popular too, but I was so quiet. I didn't have many friends. Not many close friends anyway. And I definitely didn't think Jack Napier would want me of all people. 

As I let my thoughts take over, I hadn't realized I was being moved until I was on my back. Jack was hovering over me. "Jason? Dolci? Where'd you go?" I blinked a couple of times, bringing my attention back to him. "Sorry." 

His chuckle sent a shudder through my body as he straddled me. "It's okay. Try not to do it again, though. When I'm talking, I like to be listened to." He tapped my nose gingerly, giving me a small sideways smile. 

I was mid nod when his hips pressed down on mine. My breath hitched, and I wiggled slightly under him. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach, my dick reacting way faster than my brain. 

Typical behavior, I was guessing. 

When my mind did catch up, I was hesitant, feeling completely at Jack's mercy. Which wasn't a bad feeling necessary, but I was so much of a virgin that this was terrifying. 

Before this, Roy had been the only person I'd ever kissed. We were 13 and curious. And of course, I knew how this type of thing worked in theory, but I'd never done anything in reality. 

"W-wait. Jack." Panic suddenly filled my senses, and I heaved out a gasp, pushing at his chest quickly. 

My mind was spinning with all the times I had imagined finally being touched like this, but now, right now, it was too much, too soon. 

"Jack!" His name left my lips in a panicked whimper when he didn't move. My body went stiff as I squeezed my eyes shut. Heaving out sharp breaths as I hugged myself. 

Suddenly, he was off me, just sitting to the side stroking my cheek gently. "Shh. Jason, open your eyes. I'm here... I thought you wanted this. The signs were all there. If you don't, though -"

I shook my head, looking up at him. His eyes were filled with worry, but I could also see slight annoyance. 
Shit. Way to go, Jason. 

Swallowing down against the tightness in my throat, I tried to speak. "I do. I just...i've never...I'm sorry." 

Embarrassment filled my head, and I turned away, looking over to the side. I was never THIS damn shy or bashful. It was absolutely ridiculous. I felt ridiculous. 

Jack is just a freaking super model and I was so being a cock block right now. 

"Jason, hey look at me." Even though his tone was commanding, it was gentle. Something you might use with a child. I couldn't help but obey, looking back at him with un shed tears. 

Damn, I'm such a loser. 

He frowned, looking over my features. "Jason, relax. Take a deep breath. Let's do this together. I promise I wont do anything that you don't want." A shaky breath slipped past my lips and I nodded, blinking away the tears. 

He leaned down, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Deep breaths, dolci." He breathed in, motioning for me to copy him. When I did, he smiled. 

"There. See? I'm right here. I've got it. You're nervous. That's okay...would you rather just study some more? That would be okay-" Shaking my head, I tensed up suddenly. "No!" 

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" I bit my lip, immediately shrinking away at my sudden outburst. "I mean...I-i wanna...if you want me...why do you want me?" A frown creased my mouth as I bit my bottom lip, again. 

Mio Amore Rosso Where stories live. Discover now