Chapter 1: Life is Unfair

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Life is kind of unfair

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Life is kind of unfair.

Some people get a ton of good stuff from life: good looks, smarts, charisma, money, friends, athleticism, and the charm to make anyone fall at their feet.

And then there's me.

I don't know what it is about me. I'm not a mean person. I'm not even incredibly antisocial or geeky or whatever. I'm just... boring, I guess? Boring enough that I end up grossly overshadowed by the people who are just so incredibly gifted by life that I look like a lame slob in comparison.

I mean, I don't want to complain too much. Life gave me a couple of things. I'm 'musically inclined'- I started playing instruments pretty early on in my life, and I can currently play piano, clarinet, guitar, drums, flute, trumpet, and oboe. And I'm told I have a beautiful singing voice, but I've never taken lessons or anything. So... yeah, I guess I'm a total band nerd, which might explain why I've never been popular. I mean, sure. I have friends (barely enough to be plural). But, you know. It's still kind of irritating to watch other guys have it all.

For example: Axel King. Academic excellence, our sports coaches begging him to join their teams, friends with pretty much everyone in the school, a beautiful sports car, rumours about the latest charity his rich parents donated money to, and any teenager with an attraction to guys would cut off their dominant hand to date him.

It's really, really hard not to resent him. He has everything, his life is practically perfect. It's not entirely fair to blame him for that, but also. I stopped bothering with being fair when it comes to Axel King, way back in grade nine. Like I said, his life is practically perfect; I'm sure he doesn't care if I silently resent everything he does.

Let's start just by looking at his name. Axel King. It's like his parents got married, decided neither of their surnames were majestic enough, and changed it to King just so they could make a bunch of royalty jokes when they got rich. And then they were choosing what to name their baby, and they just went with the one that was on every single list called "Coolest Baby Names for Boys". Like, really. Axel King. Are you kidding me?

It would've been fantastic if he'd been named Axel King and then turned out to be some total geek. Like, a scrawny little kid glued to a computer at every opportunity hacking into video games to win them, with no social life whatsoever. But no. Unfortunately, he lived up to his name.

His friends have made it common knowledge at our high school that he has his own private gym in his basement, not that anyone doubts it. The guy is ripped. He nails every sport unit we have in gym, to the surprise of absolutely no one. Football, basketball, hockey, volleyball, even table tennis. Can you see why I resent him yet?

And then, he couldn't even be satisfied with being a dumb jock. No, he has to go and have incredible grades, with not a single spare period in his entire schedule for the four years I've gone to school with him. Pretty much everyone assumes he'll be valedictorian, so he can add that to his extensive list of high school achievements.

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