Until Our Last Breath: Part 12

Start from the beginning

"This world belongs to ancient ones. Submit." The Dark Elf spoke directly to Aragorn with a sinister stench. 

"Evil does not deserve submission." Aragorn spat back. 

"Then you must die." The Dark Elf said then leapt into the air. The Dark Elves then started to scream at eachother. A shrieking noise that made most of the Middle Earth warriors cover their ears. When the screaming stopped the Dark Elves began attacking with electric pulses that looked like lightening emitting from their hands. 

"Down!" Arwen shouted at Veya as she cut a Dark Elf in half with her sword. Veya stood back up with shock on her face. 

"Is that magic!?" Veya yelled to Arwen as the two of them battled the dark creatures. 

"An old magic! Don't let them touch you!" Arwen shouted leaping over a dead horse and slashing at another Dark Elf. Veya looked around and saw the violence. Dark Elves were turning her allies into nothing. With each blast of ancient magic her people fell to their deaths. She grabbed her sword and swung with a strength to take down mountains. Her hair whipping in the wind of the dark storm above them and her eyes darting between foe and friend. Just then a blast of lightening crashed down beside her from the sky knocked her to the ground. Veya lay on the ground for a few seconds shaking her head. Her vision was blurry and her head was swimming. 

"Get up las!" Gimli said shaking her shoulders roughly. Veya shook her head once more then sat up. "One moment!" Gimli shot up and threw his axe behind Veya. It landed in the chest of a tall Dark Elf that was making it's way to kill Veya. Gimli ran over the fallen creature and retrieved his axe. "You owe me one now!" Gimli chuckled. Veya stood and brushed herself off. In the distance Arwen and Aragorn were fighting alongside Legolas. Their clothes covered in splatters of dark blood and their swords crashing into the enemy. They were losing. The numbers of the enemy were only growing, not diminishing. 

Veya and Gimli ran over to the others and began fighting alongside them. Their grunts and clashing of sword on flesh the only sounds they could hear. Just as Veya was about to kill another one of her foe a larger Dark Elf with thick black hair falling down it's back and eyes the color of onyx threw her to the ground. Veya held her hands up in defense as the creature slammed it's fist into her hands. She screamed tried to shield herself from it's blows. The harsh blows came down so hard it cracked her left arm plate. Veya rolled to the side and threw the arm plate off of her. Veya attempted to stand back up and fight but the Dark Elf gripped her by her exposed arm and smiled with a devilish smirk. 

"Say goodbye." The Dark Elf said as it's hold burned into Veya's skin. She screamed as the flesh on flesh contact made her flesh burn on contact. Veya's screams soon stopped when she felt the grip leave her burned arm. She looked around and saw Legolas had climbed on the Dark Elf's back and slit it's throat. 

"Goodbye." Legolas said hopping off the creatures back just before it hit the ground. He ran over to Veya and grabbed her injured arm. A severe burn the shape of the Dark Elf's hand was branded into her skin. She winced as Legolas ripped a strip of her already torn shirt and wrapped it around her arm. He tied it then interlaced his fingers with hers. A small white light emitted from their hands and Veya took a small breath in. She looked to Legolas with confusion in her expression. 

"The pain has lessened. Did you do that?" Veya asked looking to her arm and not feeling nearly as much pain as she had merely seconds ago. 

"I think we did... I know what we have to do." Legolas dragged Veya to the top of a destroyed tower. They dodged lightening strikes and attacks from their enemy. They stopped at the top of the tower and grabbed hands once more. 

"Together." Veya said. Legolas nodded then closed his eyes. Veya did the same and they took a large breath in. They opened their eyes and they shone a bright light. They looked to the sky and immediately the sun began to show through the dark clouds. The rays of sunlight beamed down upon Gondor and the Dark Elves shrieked in pain as the sunlight burned their skin. This gave their companions a helping hand. While the Dark Elves were distracted they became easier to defeat. And just as the light began to show more through the dark curtains of the sky the earth began to shake. And the Sea Elves ran into battle clad in their dark navy armor and spears. Their searing cobalt colored eyes and war cries surprised their foe. 

"We need more power!" Veya shouted to Legolas as she felt their bond waiver slightly. Legolas and Veya looked around themselves frantically. 

"We can assist." Elrohir and Cintra descended from the darkness of the broken land scape. They grabbed hands on either side of Legolas and Veya and smiled. "Focus the light upon them. Make them burn like they burned you Veya. Let them feel their destruction from within." Elrohir said then closed his eyes along with Cintra. 

"For Arda." Veya whispered to herself quietly. The four Elves closed their eyes for a moment then opened them and the same white light shown even brighter from all their eyes. And then the Dark Elves shrieked even louder. They eyes turned bright and a golden light emitted from their faces. They grabbed at their bodies and screamed for it to stop. But before they knew it, they all fell to the ground... dead. 

Veya and Legolas released their hands from Elrohir and Cinta's grasp and fell to their knees. Elrohir and Cintra were unphased... of course. Legolas and Veya caught their staggered breath and scrambled into eachothers arms. They grabbed onto each other's armor and held eachother tight. 

"Is it over?" Legolas asked lifting his head to face Cintra. "Is it done?" He asked. 

Cintra knelt down and then gestured for Legolas and Veya to look out into the battle. Legolas and Veya stood and looked out. The clouds had cleared the sky was bright again. Men, Women, Elves, and Dwavres lifted themselves off the ground and looked to the sky with smiles on their faces. The bodies of the Dark Elves slowly turned into a grey mist as the sun shown upon them. The sun washing away any remnant of the evil that threatened Middle Earth. 

Veya turned to Legolas and placed her hands on either side of his face. 

"It is done." Veya said softly. 

Promised (Legolas x OC)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara