Pine and Rose: Part 6

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"You must go to Imladris and speak to Elladon and Elrohir. Tell them of this war. They will aid." Thranduil said as him and Legolas looked to a map on his desk. They were planning Legolas' departure. His vacation of sorts turning into a journey of warning for the impending wrath of the dark elves. Lord Elrond's son Elrohir had the sight. He might have more insight into the darkness hovering over them that was soon to come. Legolas was about to suggest they find a way other than Moria into Rivendell to avoid back tracking to save time when Gimli knocked on the door. 

"Sorry to interrupt but I heard you were discussing our travel plans to Rivendell. The mines are perfectly safe now my friend. It would be the easiest way there." Gimli said folding his hands in front of himself and bowing his head slightly to the tall king before him. 

"The dwarf speaks the truth. I have heard whispers of the dark creatures no longer dwelling in the depths of Moria." Thranduil said. "I know you worry for your friend's safety. But summer is coming to an end. Best to take the long way." Thranduil patted Legolas on the shoulder and Legolas nodded in agreement. 

"We leave in the morn. I wish to get there before the season changes." Legolas said. Legolas left his father's office with Gimli on his heel. 

"Veya will be joining us yes!?" Gimli asked catching up to Legolas.

"Of course." Legolas said amused. "Did she explain to you of our bond?" 

"She did. Odd thing that bond is. We dwarves don't have such magic. Lucky ones you are." Gimli said happily striding beside his friend. 

"Have you ever been in love Gimli?" Legolas asked. Gimli furrowed his brow. These types of questions were rare to be heard from his Elvin friend. They never spoke of romantic relationships before. This was new territory. Gimli rubbed his chin then ran his fingers through his long red beard. 

"I believe I have... a few times. Ha! But I am a warrior lad. I do not seek such comforts. But if the right las were to come along I suppose I would succumb. Why do you ask?" Gimli asked his dear friend as they entered the gardens out the back entrance of the palace. The pool of water which the waterfall splashed into glistened into the warm sunlight. They stood and looked at the beautiful sight. 

"Veya." Is all Legolas spoke. 

"Ah, she is a beautiful one. You love her?" Gimli asked. Legolas kept his gaze on the water. He placed his hands in his pockets and took a deep breath. Something he often did before admitting something he truly wished to keep secret. But this was Gimli, he truest friend. He could be honest with him. 

"It hasn't been very long." Legolas said. 

"Did it take long for your parents?" Gimli asked hesitantly. Legolas pondered Gimli's question for a moment. 

"It did not. After Tauriel I decided not to engage in emotional... relationships." Legolas admitted. 

"But she is your soul mate." Gimli said. 

"Soul mate... odd term." Legolas chucked. "I guess it is different somehow." 

"It is different! Do not hide your true feelings from her lad. It will only cause you pain." Gimli reached up and patted Legolas on the back. "Go to her." Legolas smiled at his friend and turned his body to leave. He glanced once more at his smiling dwarf friend then leapt through the palace to find Veya. He found Veya in the palace library perched on a soft chair beside a large window reading a book of Sindarin poetry. She looked up when she heard him come in and smiled. She wore a long mint gown and her hair was in messy curls. Two small braids on each side of her head. 

"Your hair is like mine." Legolas said taking a seat beside her. She closed her book then lifted her hand to feel her braids. 

"Tauriel did it for me. She said it might please you." Veya said blushing. She never did things like this to impress a man. She never wanted to, until Legolas. 

"It does." Legolas said. 

"Tauriel is very FOND of you..." 

"She is in the past. She loves another." Legolas left it at that. He assumed Tauriel would speak of Kili to Veya if she so wished, now was not the time. Legolas took a breath in and grabbed Veya's hand and stroked it softly. "And I love another as well..." Veya looked into Legolas' eyes and her eyes glistened with a single tear. It fell to her cheek and she wiped it away. "Why do you cry?" Legolas asked her.

"Is this real?" Veya asked softly looking down at their joined hands. 

"Do you wish it to be real?" Legolas asked. He lifted his other hand and tilted her face to his. Their faces just inches apart from one another. Their bond flowing through heir veins as they gazed upon each other. Their foreheads touched and they breathed in each others scent. Pine and rose mingling in the air between their lips. 

"I do." Veya whispered. Legolas shifted closer and placed his lips upon hers. Soft and gentle. Like rose petals grazing one another as they fall through the air. A feeling of euphoria overcame them and it was if nothing existed but that moment alone. They pulled apart after their blissful moment and Veya placed her hand on the side of Legolas' head. She traced the small braids identical to her own and smiled. This was the love she longed for. To love and be loved by another. The loss of her family that she suffered during the war had almost killed her spirit. When she left Gondor to find some peace she never expected to meet Legolas or Gimli, let alone fall deeply in love. To find her family again. "Did you come just to kiss me?" Veya asked softly. 

"Do you wish I hadn't?" Legolas asked confused. 

"I wish you had sooner. I can just sense there is something you wish to tell me as well..." Veya tilter her head and traced Legolas' jaw and cheekbones with her light fingers. 

"We leave for Imladris in the morning." Legolas said with a sigh. 

"To warn my cousins." 

"Elrohir has the sight, he may have answers." Legolas placed his hand on the side of Veya's neck and caressed it gently. She closed her eyes and hummed at his warm touch. "It is a difficult time to discover love. We are to be at war." 

"Say it. I wish it to be real."

"I love you." 

"And I love you." Veya said opening her eyes. "And I will fight with you. Until my last breath." 

"As will I." 

Promised (Legolas x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon