Lorien: Part 3

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It was nearly nightfall when Veya, Legolas, and Gimli arrived at the edge of Lorien. Legolas and Veya did not speak of their recent revelation of their fated souls to Gimli; although Gimli did sense a change in the air between them. 

As the three travelers entered the wooded realm of Lorien they were halted at the entrance to the Lady of the Wood's sanctuary. 

"Welcome friends of Lorien." A tall elf with wavy golden blonde spoke with a slight smile. 

"Cintra, ever the pleasure." Legolas said bowing his head slightly. 

"We have come to visit while on our journey through middle earth. Where is that beautiful golden haired angel!? I owe her my gratitude." Gimli spoke up pushing Veya aside. Veya laughed a bit at that then stopped when she noticed Legolas gazing upon her as she did so. 

"Lady Galadriel has sailed to the Undying Lands to be with her kin." Cintra responded to Gimli with a sad smile. 

"She will be missed." Gimli said. 

"She will. Come, Tamian and I will show you to your resting accommodations." Cintra spoke gesturing to Tamian, a slightly shorter elf with white hair and sharp features. She looked at Legolas and blushed slightly. Something the Elvin price was used to... but now it bothered him slightly. The affections of Elvin women and men was something he was fond of, and yet, after meeting Veya his reaction to such affections had changed. 

Upon seeing Legolas turn away immediately from Tamians' expression she looked down and gestured for them to follow her.

"It has been so long sense I had visited this beautiful place." Veya said admiring her surroundings. Legolas stayed walking beside her and he just hummed in agreement.

"How did they know we were coming? We did not send a message head?" Gimli asked Legolas as he tried to keep up with the elves' long strides. 

"Cintra has the gift of sight. He is cousin to Lady Galadriel." Legolas responded. 

"If I had such a gift I would know when my next pint would be! Ha!" Gimli chuckled loudly and slapped his own chest. 

The three were led to a lodging area full of hand woven bedding and tapestries daintily hanging from the foliage above. Each sleeping area separated by such elegant tapestries. Open and welcoming, yet just private enough for one to rest easily. Night had officially fallen and Gimli was exhausted. 

"Time for a snack then off to bed! See you lads in the morning light!" Gimli said then trudged over to his sleeping area and flopped on the bed. He indeed did have his snack. Pulling out an assortment of dried meats and berries from his pack and munching a little too loud for Veya and Legolas' comfort. The two nodded their heads to one another then walked together through the beauty that was Lorien. With their hands gracefully settled behind their backs they walked through the lush greenery and gazed upon the shimmering lights that which seemed to just float about the air. A phenomena well known in Lorien but it's anatomy unknown. 

"It seems the dwarf only eats and sleeps." Veya said smiling at the ground as she carefully took her steps. 

"He drinks too." Legolas replied. 

"He is indeed a worthy friend. You two get along well. He admires you. I can tell." 

"As do I admire him." 

"You met during the war?"

"We did." Veya looked over at Legolas and smiled softly. "Your nightly walks are truly calming to the mind. And yet, my mind still stirs." 

"Do you wish to speak of it?" Legolas asked looked to Veya with questioning eyes.

"Have you ever met an elf who was Promised before?"

"My mother and father were." Legolas said with sadness slightly laced in his voice. 

"Were?" Veya raised an eyebrow. 

"My mother passed when I was but a child. She spoke of her connection to my father. They had known they were Promised sense they were children." Legolas stopped his soft footsteps then leaned against a tree in an empty cleaning. Veya leaned against the tree next to him and she sighed. 

"I hope one day you will be reunited with your mother." 

"One day." Legolas smiled.

The two Promised elves leaned against the trees and felt the magic of the air prickling their skin. They stayed in that position for a few hours. Not speaking or moving. Just enjoying each other's company. It was getting late and Veya decided it was time for her to rest for the night. 

"I am going to rest." Veya spoke up from the peaceful silence. 

"I'll join you."  Legolas and Veya walked side by side, occasionally looking to one another. Soon their hands brushed and that same white light faintly sparked between their finger tips.

"What do you suppose that means?" Veya asked Legolas who was looking at his hand curiously. 

"I wish I knew." Legolas said then placing his hand back at his side. Out of curiosity Veya intertwined her fingers with Legolas' and saw the faint light again. It grew then faded into nothing. A warmness filling their bodies just like the night in the river. Legolas furrowed his brow at the feeling but said nothing. Veya couldn't stop thinking about what all this meant. Was she meant to be with Legolas? Was she meant to become this entity of change and unity that the Promised stood for? Or was she simply just to enjoy this comforting touch from the kind and beautiful Ellon beside her? She chose the third option. For now.

Legolas and Veya entered the sleeping area still with joined hands. Stopping at the tapestry opening to Veya's room slightly blowing in the warm breeze Legolas looked into her eyes and wondered if this was it. If this was the person he would share his life with. He had rarely thought about having a life partner before. Someone to share his deepest convictions and thoughts with. He thought he had met that person long ago during the fight for Erebor... but she loved another. So he kept those longings for a lover hidden deep inside. He did reach out for physical comfort but never emotional. He was a warrior of the Woodland Realm. He had to be professional and on guard at all times. Legolas did not have time for such romances... or so he thought. 

"Do you wish to stare at me all night or will you rest with me?" Veya asked as Legolas came out of his daze. 

"I was just thinking." He replied slightly embarrassed. 

"Tell me." Veya said leading him into her sleeping area. They laid on the soft cot and closed their eyes. Both still awake and allowing their thoughts to run freely. "Tell me what you were thinking." Veya spoke up. 

"This is a different feeling for me." Legolas said honestly.

"Have you ever loved before?" Veya asked taking a deep breath in.


"Did they love you back?"

"Not in the way I wished." Legolas turned on his side facing away from Veya. She turned on her side as well then placed her hand on his shoulder. 

"Do you wish to love again?" She asked softly. 

"I do not know. Do you?" 

"Possibly." Veya said this in a whisper. She longed for love in her life. The war took everything from her. Everyone she loved. Her parents, her brother, and even friends she had known her entire long life. If it wasn't for the king and queen of Gondor... she would be lost. She hoped Legolas would bring love into her life. She longed for someone to love her unconditionally, but she wouldn't admit it just yet.

Legolas sat up and started to leave when he felt that same warm feeling envelope his body. He turned his head and found that Veya had placed her hand os his again on the side of the cot. 

"Stay?" Veya asked. Legolas nodded then climbed back into the cot. The Lorien air was warm and inviting. The smells of the fresh trees and the soft sounds of the wildlife soothed the pair to sleep. Their bodies not touching except their intertwined fingers between them. 

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