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One day Dr. Faker was trying to open up a portal to other various dimensions. To his surprise, it worked. But the portal only stayed open for a certain amount of time until it exploded and destroyed half of the building he was in. Little did he know, his son walked in at the wrong time and had disappeared as well as the portal.

Kite Tenjo, Dr. Fakers son had awaken in an unfamiliar environment that he soon noticed was nowhere other than Heartland City. "What happened? Did my father cause this destruction?" He asked himself as he peered around at the ruins all around him. He got up off the ground and searched around to see if anyone was around. He found a not so damaged building that looked as if someone had been staying there recently. He opened the door and went inside. "Who's there?" A voice asked that he didn't recognize. He saw a blue haired male with bright yellow eyes, dressed in a long, dark blue coat and a red scarf that was mostly under his shirt. "Oh Kite, your back" he said. "Do I know you?" Kite asked him. "What, did you hit your head or something? Or did Duel Academy do something to you?" He asked me. "Duel Academy? No, I did not hit my head! All I know is that my father was trying to create a portal to another dimension and there was an explosion and here I am now" Kite told him.

He looked at me confused. "Nows not the time for jokes, Kite". "Jokes? I'm being serious! I have no idea who you are and what happened to this place!"
"You want me to refresh your memory? There's an interdimensional war between us and the Fusion dimension! AND I'm your friend, SHAY OBSIDIAN!" He yelled. 'Shay, hm?' He thought to himself "Doesn't ring a bell". 'He mustn't be kidding...' Shay thought.

-Kites POV-

I have no idea what this guy "Shay" is rambling about. Interdimensional war? Fusion dimension? And he's acting as if he knows me. Wait... maybe that portal sucked me into it before it exploded... I'M STUCK HERE!

"How can I get home?" I asked Shay.
"What dimension did you come from?" He asked. Dimension? How would I know?? "Look, I don't know anything about these "Dimensions" and what's currently going on, I have no clue about it!"

"If you don't know what dimension you came from... I don't think I can help" "And, if your from somewhere other than here, the fusion dimension, Synchro dimension and the standard dimension... theres no way your ever getting home. No other worlds have been discovered yet"
What is all this talk about dimensions? How many are there and what is my dimension even called?

"Neither of those dimension names strike me..." what am I going to do?
"So, how do you know my name?" I asked. "It's complicated, I guess..." He said. Well that doesn't help me at all.
"You know what? I'm out of here!" I yelled and stormed off out the door.
"Be careful out there" he said as I left.
Careful? Why? Theres literally no one or anything out here! As I explored around I saw a group of guys in uniforms of blue and red. When they noticed me they looked scared and ran away. "It's that guy again!" "Run or he'll turn you into a card!" "He's unbeatable!" They yelled. What are they talking about and why are they scared of me? Oh well.

I continued on and looked around, thinking about how identical this place was to my Heartland City. Suddenly I was pinned to the ground. I looked up to see someone who looked exactly like me. He stared me in the eyes furiously. "Your me!" We both yelled. I was confused. Theres more than one of me?
"Who are you? Why do you look just like me?!" He asked. "Why do you look like me?!" I replied.

My life just had to get even weirder didn't it? Everything I did back at home just for me to spend the rest of my life in another dimension with another me! I pushed him off of me and got up on my feet. We both wore the exact same outfit and everything else. What was this? I was now face to face with myself as if I were looking into a mirror.

"Where'd you come from?" He asked.
"I have no idea at this point" I sighed.
"Do you know who you are at least?"
"Yes! I'm Kite Tenjo! And I should be the only Kite Tenjo!" I yelled at him.
"Woah, calm the hell down!"
"I won't calm down!" I said, making my duel disk appear and then I slid my deck into it.

"So, your gonna duel me?"
"Exactly! Just to show you that I'm the more superior Kite!" I said.
"Fine, let's duel!"

My clothing faded white as I activated my Photon transformation. "Go, photon transformation!" I yelled as the last detail appeared, a blue duel gazer tattoo on my left eye.
He looked at me surprised like this was new to him.

"What did you just do?!" He asked in shock. "It's called photon transformation" I told him. "Hmph"
I went first. I placed down two cards in attack position so I could tribute summon "A beast more savage than a supernova! GALAXY EYES PHOTON DRAGON!"

"Galaxy Eyes?!" He yelled shocked.
"What's the matter? Is my dragon too powerful for you? You wanna back out?"
"No... I have a card VERY similar to yours!" He answered before summoning his own "Galaxy Eyes Cypher Dragon!"
What? How is that?! We both have similar cards!

Warped Through Dimensions (Zexal x Arc V Crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ