That's when Liam came into the courtyard and saw. Big bro to the rescue, as always. He started yelling at her and everyone. He forced the courtyard to clear, pushing people and yelling at others. Eventually the whole thing was cleared and Liam helped me and Destiny back to our room so we could get dressed.

It was and still is horrifying to me.

Evie is the bitch to blame.

The reason why Damon is laughing is because he was laughing his ass off in the courtyard that day. Evie needed someone strong to move the beds....Damon and a few other guys helped. Damon had a key to our room. I was mad for weeks, wouldn't even talk or look at the poor lad.

Minutes later Liam walks in with a frown on his face, Evie following behind with her unnamed teammates.

"Nice to see you two again." She speaks with a sadistic tone in her voice. Destiny and I glanced at each other, forcing fake smiles on our faces.

"You too." I reply, glaring at Liam.

"Damon! hun, is that you?" She squealed, her annoying ass voice hurting my eyes. Damon smiled and got up, giving the devil herself a hug.

"Well tell them who you are." She barked at her team, in her usual busy voice.

A girl with dark hair and a curvy body stepped up, annoyance clear on her face.

"My name is Sophia, 23 years old, I've been in this business for 13 years." She stated, a strong tone present.

A man with blonde hair and hazel eyes stepped up next.

"I'm Eric. 25 years of age, I've been in this business for 12 years." He said with a thick Swedish accent. He smiled at all of us before stepping back to where he once stood.

Next a girl with raven black hair and pale skin stepped up. She had long vine/ flower tattoos rubbing up her arms to her chest.

"I'm Hal, 26, I've been in this business for 16 years." She said, a thick Russian accent present. Her face stayed with a cold as ice stare.

A young looking boy stepped up, he still had a baby face , but the look on his face was scary lookin.

"Gabe. 16. I've been here for 10 years." He coldly informed, he stared at me his eyes hardening. His jaw clenching. He stepped back and looked down toward the ground.

Something about him is familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. He is American. He has dark brown hair, and blue eyes. That is impressive, starting to work with the company at the age of 6, not even counting the training he must've done.

"Hello, I am Liam Vick." Liam said and pointed his attention towards me.

"I'm Leanna Vick." I stated lamely, the shocked look on Hal and Eric's faces brought me some joy. Sophia and Gabe looked at each other, annoyance in their eyes.. Are they siblings?

"I'm Damon and this is Destiny." Damon introduced himself and Destiny. Destiny glared at him, sticking her tongue out in a childish manner.

We all stayed silent, knowing they didn't need to know the others names.

"What's your plan? I don't really care.... Tell my people while I go get my nails done, you know I don't go on missions." Evie said laughing, as if her pathetic ass is a joke, which it is.

She walked out of the room, her bright yellow heels clicking on the hardwood floor.

"What's happened?" Eric asked, smiling toward us.

Then Liam explained the whole thing to them. Which took an hour or so. I personally think that he over shared, but Whateva.

"So, you want our help in receiving your friend Niall, and destroying this guy in the same day?" Sophia asked, a bewildered look on her face. She looked at us like we were insane.

She's our bodyguard?!?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon