Chapter 1- The Beginning

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I'm actually using someone else's POV for once! Just this one time. Probably. Right? Probably.

Wendy POV

Captain has been ruthless in the 3 years since Dipper.........drowned. He has changed in many other ways. He hates the color blue, which he used to love, he will kill anyone who dares challenge him. (Not that he didn't do that before) But the biggest change would be that he HATES sirens. Not like mildly dislike, like freaking HATES! If he sees one, even for a second out of the corner of his eye, he will order us to hunt it down no matter how long it takes. He has eaten siren tails, which are disgusting, and smile the whole freakin' time! We have siren heads mounted on our wall. He says it's for good luck.

We all miss Dipper, especially KitKat and Shadow, but I feel like Captain has gone a little crazy with "honoring him". We once peeked in Captain's room, and he had a whole freaking shrine! There was also this weird, old dusty red book that was open to a page with a circle on it. The circle had this... triangle with a top hat in the center and little symbols around it. On the floor next to it, made out of salt, there was almost the same thing, but two things were different. One, there wasn't a triangle in the center. There was a pine tree! And two, in place of the pine tree symbol, there was a triangle! It looked like Captain tried to draw it accurately, but mixed up those symbols. We would have gotten a closer look, but then Captain started to come and we all had to dash to our quarters.

??? POV

I woke up in my room, my twin sister nagging for me to wake up.


"Mabel, stop! I'm awake!"

"But Dippy! You promised that you'd go and hang out with us!"

"Yeah yeah. But it's 3 a.m.!"

"We start EARLY! Now c'mon!" She drags me out of bed and into the kitchen.

"Hey Grunkle Stan!" Mabel says cheerfully.

"Hi," I mumbled, floating there helplessly and blushing. "Little help?"


I manage to grab some seaweed for breakfast. Ew. I hate seaweed, but it'll have to do. Not like Mabel would let me grab anything else, because we're already swimming halfway out the door.

"Mabel, let go of me!"I yell.

"Not until you say please!" Mabel says cheerfully.

"Fine. Mabel, can you please let go of me?"

"Nope! We're already almost there anyway!"

I wriggle out of her grasp and swim off, her yelling behind me.

"Dipper! Come on!"

I swim for a while, spotting unique things while I swim. A patch of coral that looks vaguely like Waddles, Mabel's seahog. I don't know why she named him that, because only hogs on land can waddle. Yes, I know about some things on land. Just because I'm a siren doesn't mean I don't know about things like that! I also saw a few sharks, a school of neon colored fish, some turtles, and- wait. That's a ship! Grunkle Ford never lets us go near them! Well, I'm feeling rebellious today. Plus, how much harm could it possibly do? I think that there are humans on it, judging by the tales Stan told us when we were little. I'm going to mess with them a little. I bet they don't even know sirens exist! I swim up to the surface and prepare to prank them.

Bill POV

"Captain! Captain! The sea's mad!" Robbie shouted.

"And why is it mad?"

"We don't kno-" He got cut off.

All of a sudden, a huge wave crashed on the ship, soaking us all.

"What the-" I mumble. The sky is clear! Not a cloud in sight!

I walk over to the edge of the ship to see if there are any clues as to why this is happening. My eyes sweep the area until they land on a small boy, and I freeze. I feel as if I'm about to cry. He looks like my lost love. KitKat and Shadow walk over to see what happened and freeze up as well. Eventually, the whole crew comes over to see what's happening. 

I regain my senses after a minute. 

"You are a siren, no?" I ask.

"Yup!" He replies, trying not to laugh.

"Then I order you to leave our ship alone, monster!" 

"Hey! I'm not a monster! I'm a siren! We just went over this!"

"Sirens are monsters!"

This hits him hard, I can tell. His chin begins to quiver and tears well up in his eyes.

"N-no they're not!"

"YES, THEY ARE!" I yell as loud as I can.

Everyone looks at me, confused. For some reason, KitKat looks at me with a weird expression, and Shadow soon joined her.

"Captain, why'd you say that?" Wendy asks me.

"What? It's true."

Suddenly, his eyes flash bright blue and a - gosh, it must be 61.8 feet tall! - huge wave rises above the ship.


A few minutes later of us being curled in the deck, I hear laughter. I stand up carefully and see the kid laughing hysterically.

"Y-you actually thought I was that violent?" He gets out through his laughter.

"Well, sirens are BLOODY MURDERERS!"

"N-not all of us!" He stops laughing. 

 I look away to tell my crew that they can get up. But I end up soaking wet. Then I hear a kitten sneeze and a splash. That kid actually did that! 

"YOU SNEEZE LIKE A KITTEN!" I scream at the ocean, even though he probably can't hear me.

Hey guys! Sorry that I didn't get to updating! Just so you know, Bill is 25 (very young!) and Dipper is 17. Every human year a siren turns 5.67 years older. He died 3 years ago, so (5.67 x 3) he's 17. I hope you enjoyed. Love you my children! 

Longest chapter I've ever written, I think! 1005 words!

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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