Ch.2 Thinking of you

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Sans 3rd Person Pov:

Sans watches as the clock seconds tick increasingly slowly, five-o-clock, they leave in two hours if they want to keep to schedule and they always want to keep to the schedule. His eyes half-lidded, he pays close attention to every meaningless word the human delegation has to say about Monster rights. It's difficult though, the humans can be so dense sometimes, or perhaps purposefully ignorant to our claims. Sans clenched his teeth as he thought about how many times they've had to say that it is literally impossible for some monsters to live without the constant use of magic in fear of harming others or themselves. Maybe the Humans thought we wouldn't notice their repeated clause about limiting our magic powers entirely. Why am I even here, he contemplated, I'm not made for this kind of stuff. Oh right, King Fluffybuns said as Judge it was only right for me to judge what is right during this whole process, he sighs at the thought. Sans holds back a groan as he scratches his head to relieve some of his built-up frustration.

This is the 12th meeting in the past three weeks and extraordinarily little progress has been made despite the fact that we have been very clear as to our intentions of living as normal citizens, not asking for any handouts, just a space to put all our buildings. They even have a space they haven't developed yet, huge landscapes with very little, if anything, on them. Six-o-clock, Sans can tell that many of the other monsters on our side are getting antsy, ready to leave and fall onto their respective beds just as he planned to do when this was all over. Frisk came today and the delegation team made a note to stay extra polite given the famous child ambassador for the monsters. Nobody knows who leaked the footage of Frisk walking with our team to the meeting room, but it became viral overnight.

Some say that we enslaved them with magic others say that if a child can get along with us then perhaps it should be our future to live together. Either way, the knowledge of Frisk's existence gives our side a bit more momentum than we had originally expected. Well initially we expected to be greeted with complete skepticism and hatred, so any positivity in the media is a blessing. It's been an interesting ride in media, the ones subjected to the most discrimination over the past centuries banded together to help us to rush past the suffering they had to endure and it is honestly amazing. We are still surrounded by numerous racist jerks who believe we haven't fully served our time or better yet are disappointed that we hadn't gone extinct. That's why we leave around seven, not exactly seven, we have to be unpredictable in order to help prevent stupid people with stupid ideas from doing stupid things. If they do something stupid the delegation would have no choice but to relinquish us even more rights. Sans clenched his fists in his lap as the clock teeters on the edge of seven.

"Alright everyone, good work today. We will meet again next Monday to discuss the clauses detailing the abilities of Monsters and which need to be excused for constant magic use. We will also have a new procedure beginning next week where everyone will be screened by our mages to ensure everything is...fair. Please be sure to look through the inclusion clause that requires all monsters to attend a psychological or sociological course to help integrate everyone into society as seamlessly as possible. Today we leave in a 13-21-17 pattern be sure to be timely as you exit the building." The leader of the human delegation team, Paige Wilson, announces as they stand facing Asgore as always.

Sans didn't know much about humans, but this one had a clear aura of superiority amongst her peers, her wrinkles clearly showed how much she adores talking, her auburn hair tied in a professional tidy manner matched well with her dark blue suit. She meant business, it almost felt as though she was business itself. Sans pinched the bridge of his nose bone as he realized that formation meant he would be one of the last to leave. He sighs while heading towards the gang. The only one added to our delegation that wasn't before was our main historian, Gerson. Sans was glad we brought him onto the team for this, he wasn't afraid to speak his mind considering his age plus we needed that rash clarity to snap the humans from whatever delusions they had made in their minds about us while we were absent.

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