Chapter 22: Ambush

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"Alright, children! Have a good night's sleep; we will take it from here!" Catherine said and aimed a gun at them and started shooting at them. All the adults and Erica began hitting them with a gun and throwing weapons at them. This gave me a second to chat with Zoe.

"Hey," I said, sitting in the seat next to Zoe.

"Hey," Zoe said, looking confused about whether to be happy that I chose to sit next to her or to be upset because Erica and I were holding hands.

"Are you still mad at me?" Zoe asked me, shifting to face me.

"I'm not mad at you; it's just, I don't think we're meant to be," I replied softly.

"Like as friends or as...." Zoe asked, trailing off.

"As a couple," I said.

"Is this because of Erica?" Zoe asked me, looking jealous.

"No, well, it's partly about Erica, but it's also because I just don't think we fit," I said.

"So it's about Erica," Zoe muttered out.

"Well, I guess so, but even so, I feel like we don't match," I said. "Look, you're really pretty and nice, but most of my time, I'm going to be with Erica on my missions probably, and you also did betray me twice in the past week."

Zoe's head draped down, and I almost felt sorry for her.

"I...know," Zoe said softly.

"How 'bout, we just are friends," I asked, trying to comfort her.


"Yeah, like before I knew you liked me or even before all of that. I can help you get back into the CIA, and we can go back to normal," I suggested.

"Sure," Zoe said. "That would be great."

"Just one thing," I said, pausing. "Don't blame it on me if Erica punches you in the face."

"Typical Erica," Zoe said, laughing. "I'll be careful."

"Now that it's clear," I said, "I think we should prepare for jumping." Zoe's face instantly paled.

"J-jump?" Zoe stuttered.

"Yeah. We still have to go defuse the bomb in Luxor," I reminded her.

"That's right, children!" Catherine exclaimed, overhearing our conversation. "Now we only have to defuse a bomb!

"Only?" Mike asked. "That's like the hardest thing to do in the world."

"It's effortless," Catherine replied. "Don't worry; I'll be the one defusing it."

Catherine hopped out of the helicopter and walked to the street area.

"This is where they planted the bomb in Luxor?" I asked, looking at the rundown old shop.

"They made it look bad so people wouldn't visit that area," Erica said. "If they put it in a very nice looking shop selling jewelry, then they would have been discovered right immediately."

An old rat scurried out of the shop, and a nearby tourist cringed.

"See?" Erica pointed out, looking at the tourist.

"Is your mom going to be alright?" I asked, looking at Catherine defusing the bomb.

"She'll be alright," Trixie said. "Mom always figures out what to do in a tough situation!"

A voice suddenly spoke behind us.

"Looks like someone's not where they're supposed to be."

Agent Durkee.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, gasping.

"What do you think I'm going to do? Collecting Easter eggs for the Easter Bunny?" Agent Durkee said sarcastically. "I'm here to prevent you from defusing that bomb."

Trixie's eyes filled with horror.

"What the hell is wrong with that lady!" Trioxide exclaimed. "First, she wanted to kill us on the plane; then she wanted to stop us from defusing the bomb?"

"I'm wondering how she survived to be a 45-year-old woman not trying to kill herself," Mike muttered out.

"That was before I got involved into this spy organization," Agent Durkee replied, pulling out a gun at us.

"You know that you can't point a gun at us and try to prevent my parents from defusing the bomb, right?" Erica said.

"Of course I know that silly pants," Agent Durkee said, laughing. "That's because I have my good friend here."

She pointed to Ms. E, who was pointing a gun at frightened Catherine.

"Ms. E?" I exclaimed, looking at her with terror. Ms. E was an extremely talented lady who was the leader of SYPDER until we captured her and placed her in jail. I guess that they managed to escape with Croder's help.

"I thought she was in jail," Mike said.

"You also thought SPYDER was gone once and for all. It looks like not everything is what it seems," Agent Durkee said, laughing.

"You realize that we've defeated you too many times to count, and you still think you have a chance?" Cyrus snapped.

"Oh, please. You're a retired old man. If it weren't for your daughter, then you would be dead," Agent Durkee said. "And you Zoe, what are you doing in here?"

"I, uh, was trying to capture them," Zoe said, hesitant with each word.

"Zoe, what are you doing?" Agent Durkee narrows her eyes.

"I'm uh," Zoe staggered. Suddenly, the fire alarm rang behind us. It screamed at us, and Agent Durkee had dropped her gun in surprise. But I couldn't help but smile.

It was Ashton Sparks.

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