Chapter 13: Jailbreak

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I woke up in a gray cell, and Catherine, Alexander, Erica, Mike, Cyrus, Trixie were all in here. Erica was already up and chatting with her sister—probably talking about an escape plan.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"In Disneyland," Erica said sarcastically. "We're in Croder's jail cell. The witch locked us in."

"Ellie locked us in? She was pretending to be a stranger all along?" I gasped.

"Noooooo," Erica groaned. "Ellie is Ashley. She only pretended to be a stranger to get the jump on us."

"Oh," I said as everyone else groggy got up.

"What's going on here? Did I end up eating that chocolate bar after all? Ooh! Can we visit the pony's shop! I never actually got on the unicorn!" Alexander exclaimed.

"They zonked something in us, which explains why Alexander acts like a fool," Cyrus gruffed.

"Doesn't he always act like this?" Erica commented, and Trixie snorted and tried to cover herself with a fake cough.

"Now, now, children, let's be polite here. He might be a fraud, idiot, dummy, foolish, stupid, dumb..." Catherine began.

"Your point, please," Mike said politely.

"Right. He might be all of those things, but he does have a few talents," Catherine said, although I was pretty sure that was false.

"Like knowing how to play my little pony?" I asked sarcastically, which was true. Since Alexander got zonked with something, he went crazy. He was singing the theme song of my little pony on the top of his lungs and galloping around the room like a horse, making pony noises.

Erica, on the other hand, looked like she was about to rip off Alexander's voice box in his body if she wasn't trying so focused on escaping. Erica was the kind of girl who hated singing. She once threatened a person on the street that she would punch his lights out if he dared to sing another chorus of Seasons of Love.

"That's not a talent," Trixie said.

"I was sarcastic," I said, and surprisingly, Trixie giggled, which is one thing that I had never seen Erica do before.

"Anyways, we need a plan to escape, and Alexander isn't going to be useful," Erica said, banging on the steel door.

"Um, can you pick the lock?" I asked her hopefully.

"There's no lock, only lasers. So if we dare take a step out, we'll get tasered," Erica said. "And I can't hop through them. It's just a wall of red light."

"Oh," I said, not coming up with any more ideas.

"I do have a few ideas, but that would take effort and teamwork, which we don't have," Erica said.

"Since we have that doofus with us," Cyrus grumbled, nodding to Alexander, who was now jumping up and down like a bunny.

"Ooh! I think I see the Easter Bunny!" Alexander cried, jumping once again. Erica rolled her eyes.

"As I was saying. The way of escaping involves Medtronic, isolationism, and controlling your chi mediation (I made this all up)

"I didn't understand a single word of that," I said.

"That doesn't matter anyway because we're stuck here forever," Erica grumbled. Suddenly I heard a knock on the jail cell. I spun around to find Ashley's sister standing there. Erica ran over and punched him in the face. She was about to give him another punch to knock him out when he talked.

"Wait! I'm here to bail you out! I never knew my sister was evil and was only pretending to meet you in the park! I thought she was a gymnast!" He yelled, backing away from Erica.

"Yeah, right," Erica said about swinging another punch at him.

"I can prove it!" He said, pulling out his phone. He pulled out a picture of him and Ashley going to the park. "Ashley and I used to be the best sister and brothers. But then she said she was leaving for school after losing the Olympics. I thought she was going to a school for gymnastics! But she was evil!"

"Big whoop. Now move your butt so we can get the heck out of here," Cyrus said, pushing the boy.

"Your choice to get tasered. I'm just going to help whoever doesn't want to get tasered," the boy said, mocking. He was next to a big red button which I assumed was the button to turn off the lasers.

"Also, I'm Asher," he said, grinning. "Funny, huh? My mom is Ashley and is named Asher. But I liked to be called Ashton."

"Sure, yeah, cool, can we move now?" Erica asked, pushing him.

"Alright," he said and then clicked the big red button. The lasers quickly dissolved, and the door was clear.

"I don't know a lot about you, but from sis, she told me you guys were supposed to steal some files from Croder?" He asked as we ran.

"Croder is the evil organization that Ashley works for, and we're junior spies. We got sent on a mission to defeat Croder, and we figured out that they're trying to rob the pyramids in Egypt," Mike explained as we ran.

"That's horrible!" He exclaimed.

"Wait till you find out what else they did," I mumbled.

"Anyways, it's our job to stop them. So we need the files for it to find out when they'll attack," Mike said as we ran into a room full of weapons. Everyone grabbed a few handguns beside me and Trixie, who sucked at using weapons.

"Benjamin dear, take something to use," Catherine said, and I grabbed a knife and a grenadine. I didn't want to take any weapons besides my tennis racket that I had used on my previous mission. But I grabbed them anyways for Catherine's sake. Along with that, we all swarm at the food rack in the corner of the room.

Now in our spy school, everything sucked. There were no snacks you could grab and gobble up if you were hungry. Frankly, their bathroom was a million times better than our cafeteria in our school. So since I was starving and I figured this could be the only time I could grab a bite of food, I quickly grabbed a pack of Chips Ahoy and an energy bar and ran off to catch up with the rest of the group. We all scrambled behind Ashton, determined to find the files.

Finally, I ran into an office with a bunch of bookshelves. It looked almost normal, like my dad's workplace.

"Here we are," he said.

"So where are the files," Alexander asked.

"Here," he said, grabbing a dictionary off the shelf.

"That's not the files! He must be tricking us! Are you trying to capture us?" Alexander asked suspiciously.

"Even if I were, I wouldn't tell you," he said and then handed the book to me. Despite Alexander yelling at us and claiming he was trying to capture us, we all ignored him and crowded around the book I was holding. It was a Webster Dictionary, and I quickly opened the book. Instead of finding the book filled with words and definitions, it was only meant to look like that. Instead, it spread quickly. It was sort of like an open pop box and inside of the dictionary were two cream-colored files. It was labeled, keep away.

Erica snatched them out of the dictionary box and then opened them. She read rapidly, her eyes widening with each word. And then she passed the file to me to read. Everyone's heads crowded around me.

It had photos of how they were attacking the pyramids, as I predicted. It said it was going to launch at 8 pm tomorrow. Which meant we didn't have a lot of time left. It also said they needed the 8 million extra dollars. I was about to flip the page when I heard a gunshot rang behind me. Before I grabbed the book and ran, I saw a picture of Zoe, my ex-best friend, in the book. 

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