Chapter 12: Amalgamation

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Catherine had bought another set of clothing, saying it was necessary to dress like construction workers to get into the building.

"How did you manage to know their location?" I gasped.

"Easy," Catherine replied, holding up a tiny white circle. It was about the size of my thumbnail, and I immediately knew what it was.

"You tracked them?" I asked with a gasp.

"Yeah, I just clipped them. Hopefully, they'll say something important near us," Catherine chirped.

"Maybe. But each time on our spy mission and we tried to track them, it wasn't successful," I said.

"Well, maybe it will work this time. The CIA has faith in us," Alexander said hopefully.

"Did someone just say the CIA?" A voice asked behind us. We all immediately spun around to see who was spying on us. It was a girl and a boy. The girl had blond hair with the tips of her hair dyed pink. Her emerald green eyes glittered in the sunset background, and she had a pale yellow skirt similar to Erica's. The boy looked like her brother because he also had blond hair and green eyes, but just a tiny bit darker shade.

Erica immediately tensed and looked like she was about the kill. Of course, no one messed with Erica Hale.

"Woah! Don't hurt me!" The boy yelled, backing away. "We were just interested in what you were talking about!"

"We aren't talking about anything; say what you heard, and you'll be lying on the floor in two seconds," Erica threatened.

"We maybe want to join the CIA! The spy school you go to sounds cool!" The girl said.

"You don't have any skills that qualify, so scram before I knock you unconscious because I don't mess around," Erica threatened. I stepped between them.

"Erica, we can't do that to innocent people!" I said.

"They're a threat. They know the truth about us. And Ben, don't take their side just because you think the girl is cute," Erica said. Her voice had a bit of annoyance in it, like she was jealous.

"I don't think she's cute! I think we shouldn't just attack people!" I said my face flushing.

"Look, we're on a critical mission; we can't waste any time," Catherine said.

"Maybe we can help! I'm a green belt in karate!" The girl said, smiling.

"I have been a green belt since I was three years old," Erica said.

"Well, maybe we can still help! I'm brilliant at math, and my brother is good at creative thinking and video games!" She said delightfully.

"Ben's the math genius, and Mike's the creative thinker," Erica said, not impressed.

"Tell you what, if you can beat this guy," Erica said, pulling Alexander out, "then you're in."

"You think they can help?" I asked.

"Maybe," she whispered.

"Him? He looks a lot better than me," she said, gulping.

"You never know until you try," Mike said encouragingly.

"Alright," she said and then pulled her fist out. Alexander did the same, although he looked a lot more confident.

The girl swung a punch at Alexander's face, and to my surprise, he dodged it barely. Alexander tried to use the leg sweep trick, but instead, the girl grabbed his leg and flung him over. Alexander fell hard like a dead seal on the floor, groaning and rubbing his leg.

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