Zeff: Jiro? The girl you told me about yesterday?

(YN): Yeah, here. I got some photos of us from yesterday's festival.

(YN) pulls his phone out and shows his father picture of him and Jiro from yesterday...

Zeff: Ahhh. Well I'll be son. If I were you, I won't lose her. She's a keeper. I'm glad you found someone beauty like her son, honestly.

(YN): Thanks dad.

Zeff: You know, she kind reminds me of your mother...her Beaty and passion. *Sigh* Boy I wish your mother was here, she would have been proud of you as well.

(YN) places his hand onto his father's shoulder...and soon, the two looked at the picture frame at the wall, to see (YN)'s mother, Zeff's wife....

(YN): She's already proud dad. I can feel it. Up there.

Zeff: Yeah, she is. Well alright then son, if your off already, then be safe, and make sure you come home safe as well.

(YN): I will dad.

Zeff and (YN) gave each other a hug as (YN) then left the house. Soon, he texted Jiro to send her home address, Jiro reply with her home location, soon (YN) was on his way as he uses his Sky Walk technique to get there. Afterwards, it took him 10 minutes to ger to Jiro's residence and yet soon arrived already...soon he walks over to the door and soon takes a deep breathe...and yet knocks on the door...he can hear the door being unlocked as it open, soon Jiro open it as she was relief to see (YN) arrive...

Jiro: Oh hey your here!

(YN): Yeah.

Both gave each other a hug and a kiss on the cheek as (YN) soon entered the house...

Jiro: Mom, Dad. He's here.

Suddenly, Jiro's mom, Mika Jiro, soon appeared on the living, and yet soon to be dressed up as well...

Mika: Oh. You must be (YN), please to meet you, I'm Jiro's mother, Mika.

(YN): Pleasure to meet you, Ms.Mika.

Soon, Jiro's father, Kyotoku Jiro appears as well...

Kyotoku: Well now Jiro, this must be the the guy you've been telling us yesterday. Please to meet you son, I'm her father, Kyotoku.

(YN): And its a pleasure to meet you as well, Mr.Kyotoku.

Kyotoku: Our daughter has told us everything about you yesterday, and by the looks of it, she's right. You seem like the right one to be Jiro's partner.

Mika: We were so happy to know she's found someone like you, (YN).

(YN): Well, what can I say? I'm also happy to have an amazing girl like her, and being with an amazing musician as well.

Jiro: *blushes* Hehe...

Mika: Well Anyways, we should probably get going. Apologies (YN), me and Kyotoku are heading for a little party for adults only. And we have to go and perform a music.

(YN): No worries, it was a pleasure meeting you guys.

Kyotoku: Us as well. Alright then, we should get going.

Mika and Kyotoku both gave Jiro a hug and kiss...soon saying goodbyes to her and (YN), owning they will return home tomorrow morning. And as they left, (YN) and Jiro were both alone at the house...

(YN): So, what now?

Jiro: Well, we can do basically whatever.

(YN): Understandable.

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