Chapter 44

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A few days later Oliver and Laurel were finally going home with the twins. They were happy to learn that both of the kids were good sleepers for the most part. Of course, they would wake up during the night when their diapers were dirty or they were hungry, but other than that, the kids slept a lot.

The next day Oliver and Laurel woke up later than usual and they wondered if something was wrong with the babies. The two parents walked to the nursery to check on the babies and found that their aunt Thea was already there taking care of them. Thea turned around to see Oliver and Laurel standing at the door watching her with a smile on their faces.

"Thought I would give y'all some time to sleep being as though you were both finally home in a comfortable bed and not a hospital bed." Thea said.

"I appreciate that Thea. I didn't get much sleep when I was at the hospital between the babies and the bed." Laurel said.

"Oh, by the way, Talia said she was going to stop by today and visit. She says that she has a gift for Laurel and something for the babies as well." Thea said.

"That sounds interesting. Do you know what it is about?" Oliver asked.

"No, but I think I might know what one of the gifts is." Thea said.

"Ok, I guess we will just figure that out when she gets here. Anyways, you are free to go now that we are awake." Oliver said.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that Sara and I are picking up Nora today. Are you sure you don't mind Sara and I still living here? We can get our own place if you want us to." Thea said.

"Thea, this place has ten rooms and five bathrooms and if we don't want to see each other there is enough room here for us all to separate as well. You belong here as much as Laurel and I do." Oliver said.

"I agree with Oliver. There is plenty of room and it is nice to know that someone will be here is we need the help." Laurel said.

"Well in that case we will stay here, and our new daughter will be here this afternoon." Thea said.

"Can't wait to officially meet her. I hope we can all keep her from becoming her father." Laurel said.

"Yeah. She seems to be a nice girl, so hopefully everything goes well. So, we will see you in a little while then." Thea said as she left the two parents with their babies.

A couple of hours later Talia arrived at the mansion and Oliver showed her into the living room where Laurel and the babies were already situated. "So, Thea said you had some gifts for the babies." Oliver said.

"Yes. I got them both a teddy bear. One blue and one pink. I also have a gift for you Laurel." Talia said as she took a vile out of her pocket and handed it to Laurel.

"What is this anyways?" Laurel asked.

"It is some Lazarus pit water. It will heal you instantly from your pregnancy." Talia said.

"Wow, that would be great. That way I can get back out in the field as soon as I get back into shape." Laurel said.

"Aren't there side effects from the water?" Oliver asked.

"If you are injured really badly, yes. But for something like this, no not really." Talia said.

"Well in that case." Laurel said as she took the top off and chugged it.

Laurel stood up and moved around some to see what she thought. "Wow, I was sore earlier, now I feel like I did before I got pregnant." Laurel said.

"Well, I guess you are going to get back to training tonight then." Oliver said.

"Looks that way. Talia, I want to start working with the sword as soon as possible." Laurel said.

"I will be there and being that you are not going out in the field, it will give us plenty of time to work. I am assuming that the babies will be there with you as well since you might need to feed them or something." Talia said.

"Yes. They will be there. Once they get older and don't need me all the time, I can leave them with my dad." Laurel said.

"That makes since. Anyways, I will see you both tonight at the bunker. Congratulations again on the babies." Talia said as she got up and walked out.

"That was nice of her to come by. Damn, I feel better than I have in years. That water really did the trick." Laurel said.

"Glad you feel good. Just don't take things to fast ok." Oliver said and Laurel nodded.

An hour later Sara and Thea were back with Nora. Thea went to show Nora to her room while Sara stayed with Oliver and Laurel. "So, how is it going so far?" Oliver asked.

"Great actually. She is a great kid despite her parents. I think she is going to fit in great here." Sara said.

"That's great. So, what are you going to do with her at nights?" Laurel asked.

"Well, we thought we could leave her here with you for a while, while you are recovering." Sara said.

"Sorry to disappoint, but Talia gave me some Lazarus pit water and I have already healed. Looks like she will be coming with us. She can watch the babies." Laurel said.

"I hope she doesn't hate us when she learns who we really are." Sara said.

"She might for a while, but once she learns that what we are doing is helping people I am sure she will turn around. She is working with the kids in the future, so something must have changed for her. Maybe it will happen sooner now." Laurel said.

"Yeah, you are probably right. So, I am going to go and get her now so that she can meet you and the kids." Sara said as she walked away.

A few minutes later Sara was back with Thea and Nora. "Nora, this is my sister Laurel and husband and also Thea's brother, Oliver." Sara said.

"Nice to meet you. So, this makes you my new aunt and uncle, right?" Nora asked.

"That's right, and these are your new cousins, Conner and Olivia. Would you like to help me watch after them tonight?" Laurel asked.

"I think that would be fun." Nora said with a smile.

"Well, it is getting late. Let's hit the road." Oliver said.

"Wait. Laurel, you are coming?" Thea asked.

"Yeah, I got some special water from Talia and I am ready to go." Laurel said.

"She is just training. Nothing else." Oliver said.

"Ok, well if you are ready, then I am happy for you." Thea said and they all left the house to go to the bunker hoping that Nora would take everything ok.

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