Field trip!- (ch12)

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Sorry for not updating for awhile-

The class came in  okay and doing well but has some big scars
"Okay class I know you've been though a lot-"- aizawa said not trying to laugh seeing all the students faces as their faces looks dead
"Anyways we will have a field trip because apparently you guys need it"-izuku said barging in
"Can you stop doing that izuku?"-aizawa
"Right yeah whatever"-izuku
"Man y'all look rough-"-izuku said trying to to laugh aswell
"Shut up!"-bakugou
"This isn't funny-"-kaminari
"Your the one that electrocuted us!"-the whole class screamed at him
"Jeez"-kaminari said playfully hurt
"What if we get in another attack?!"-mina
"Are you Doubting my skills? I'm your body guard and the one that saved you all"-izuku shot at them
"Anyways the bus is outside get in"-aizawa said getting out the room
The rest walked out with them
—-in the bus—-
"Anyways we are going to carnival"-izuku said
"Wait the carnival!"-sero said happy
"Woah..... we aren't training!"-kirishima
"Didnt we tell you you all are going to a field trip?"-aizawa
"Yeah but we thought there was training involved"-Shinso
"Well no"-aizawa
"Wait where's the bus driver-"-iida panicked
"Right here" izuku said waving his hand
"What? Do you not want me as a bus driver"-izuku
"No?!"-1-A & even aizawa
"Whatever you say I'm still driving"-izuku said putting the keys in
Everyone held on to something tight
"Jeez whatever"-izuku said offended he then started the car
"Hehe"-izuku muttered
——when they got there——
"Okay we are here"-izuku said with his regular voice and looked back Only to see 1-A terrified
"What?"-izuku said
"We got here faster"-izuku
"Your never going to drive again"-aizawa
"Ugh whatever anyways get down"-izuku said getting out the bus
"Atleast you can get down easier"izuku said like it's a life hack
(5 minute craft things)
The class went down to see a lot of rides and games
"HELL YA!"-bakugou said looking at the game with a hammer
"OMG YAY!"-tsu said exited
"This might just be the best day in my entire lift in school"-Todoroki
"Split in groups whoever wants to be with me follow me"-izuku
Suprisingly bakugou,uraraka,mina, and Todoroki went with him the rest went on their own
"Ooo let's go on that one!"-izuku said then running to it
'That's so high-'uraraka
They all followed him
Once they were at the top of the ride Izuku looked excited then they went down
They all saw izuku really happy which was their first st time seeing him smile
'So he does know how to smile'-mina
'Your smile never changed izuku'-bakugou said smiling a little
'So pretty'-Todoroki
—after a lot of roller coasters and games—
Izuku saw a little kid lost so he went up to him
"Awww why are you crying?"-izuku
"I'm a orphan I don't know where I am"-the kid
"Do you know where your parents are at?"-izuku
"Izuku! The kid is a orphan!"-uraraka
"I know hahah!"-izuku said laughing
Bakugou started laughing to
"That's dark-"-uraraka

Sorry it's short-

Izuku yagi/Ackerman Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu