Part 2: You can never take what's mine

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Today FRNAK looked at me. I drew him and couldn't pour enough water on the paper to symbolize how wet the lips are
He looked at me with lips and I said "I luv ur lips"

How could I say that!!!!! them could have heard !!! 😩😩

Frank kissed me with his lips. I could feel the lips coming at me from a mile away. It felt like it was raining. Ray pops in "THOSE SOME WET LIPS BOY"  RAY you idiot. I don't want them to take you. But then again they wouldn't. You have no secrets because you have no lips. Especially not wet ones. DONT ask me how I know.  I just know this.

I go to the field to see BOb talking to Percy. "Percy your trunk lips are rough as day but I can't believe I've never kissed you before" BOB WHAT THE FUCK. I wonder if Frank's lips are ever rough or if they get too soggy. I ask him later. "FRNAK, are your lips ever soggy or chapped?" "Yes, but you'll never know" oh, I know. I know these things.


Them heard and they will come to get me

I wish they would kiss frank so they can surrender me after they see how wet his lips are

I couldn't do that to frank

Later RHAT day markman walks in on me and FRNAK kissing. God I hate that bitch. Always messing up our moist sessions "what markman?" I say, I quickly shut my fucking blabber mouth in case them hear

Jasper says from the corner "they're coming for your and your bfs wet am I

WHAT THE TRUCK??? JASPER IS STEALING my bfs wet lips ????? This CANT be real. I report this to markman immediately. "Hey mark?" I say groggily. Those moisturized lips make me tired after our moist seasions "make sure jasper doesn't take my bfs wet lips"

Later that night frank and I indulged in another moist session. I then saw jasper in the corner. "They will find those wet lips and then I will tell them they are up for grabs. YOU MUST SURRENDER THOSE wet lips IF YOU WISH TO KEEP YOUR SECRETS." I couldn't believe it. All along I thought them wanted MY wet lips. WERE MY LIPS EVEN WET? I asked frank later that day.

"They're kinda rough gerard" I can't believe my bf said this to me. I tell him, "IF MY LIPS ARE TOUGH THEN YOURS ARE SOGGY" I made him cry. He didn't talk to me for two weeks

I miss those wet lips

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