Not As Planned

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SO sorry I haven't updated in a while...again. I'm currently thinking of another story, and I forgot to even finish this one. But I hope you like this one (has a lot of dialouge in it this time). Stay safe, love ya! 

I stared at him, eyes wide in disbelief. "No no no This isn't wasn't supposed to happen! How, wha...oh my god." I cried in frustration as I paced around. Aang kept quiet, taking in his surroundings, and obviously confused. "How are we even going to get you back? Do you know how you got here in the first place?" I asked in a state of panic. He tilted his head in thought, "No. One minute I was saying goodbye to you, the next I end up here." I continued pacing, thinking of some sort of solution, until I heard someone call out. "Jinora! Where are you!? It's dinner time!" I froze, it was my father. Aang looked at me and mouthed, 'Who was that?'. 'My father.' I replied nervously, not knowing what to do.

       Aang's eyes grew large. "You mean Tenzin?! This is weird, we should get out of here before he or anyone else sees me!" He whispered. "I don't think that's necessary, it wouldn't be that strange for someone to see you." I whispered back, calming down. "What do you MEAN not out of the ordinary, it seems pretty strange to me!" Aang cried in shock. "Well, here in my time, you're a past Avatar, so it would be just as if Roku showed up to you." I said. "Ok, that makes sense, but you're not an Avatar, why would I be showing up to you?" He asked. "One, I'm your family. Two, it's a good cover story if the public finds out you're here and gets suspicious or riled up. But out of all the weird stuff that goes on in this family, I don't think this is anywhere near the top five of weirdest encounters. I think they will be more shocked and happy, than confused." I said. He just thought about it for a second, then nodded.  

        After a few minutes of waiting my father called for me again, and this time I decided to answer. "Coming, I'll be there in a second!" I cried in return. I waited until I couldn't hear my father's footsteps, then I turned to Aang. "Ok, here's the plan. We go inside, wait until everyone calms down after they've seen you, then explain our situation. Then I vote we go to the Spirit World and find out what's really going on." Aang nodded slowly. 

    We made our way silently through the backwoods. I chose the path that would lead us to the back of the bison stables, which would give us more cover. We weren't exactly hiding, we were wanting to be prepared before we show ourselves (well, mainly Aang, but you get my point). But if someone spotted us while we were off-guard, it would bring a lot more chaos than we wanted. But anyways, we soon got to the stables, and I pulled Aang inside without warning. "Ok, you obviously know you're way around here, but there are some minor differences. There are more acolytes walking around, along with airbenders. Which that might give us a little more cover, since we fit in perfectly, but just keep your head down, you're face is really recognizable. I'm assuming everyone is in the main eating area, since Korra and her friends are here today." I said quickly, while Aang sat there looking somewhat confused. "Oh, that's another problem. You're future reincarnation is here, so that'll be fun to explain, especially to someone like her." "What do you mean someone like her?" Aang asked with a slight head tilt. "You'll see." 

     When we confirmed the coast was clear, we sprinted silently across the sparring grounds and into the outdoor corridors. (the place where Bumi told everyone he could airbend in lok) We sped walked over the creaking wood, trying to be as quiet as possible, when all of a sudden an acolyte turned the corner, caring some books. The two of us tensed up and the acolyte girl approached, realizing it was too late to turn around. Aang looked the other way and put his hand on the side of his face, blocking the acolyte's view of himself. Thankfully the girl seemed too focused on her own thoughts that she didn't seem to acknowledge her by passers. After she had (after what had seemed forever) passed behind us, we sighed in relief. Finally we had reached the backdoor, which lead to the kitchen. I peeked through the window, and the only person in there was my Aunt Kya, who looked like she was about to leave the kitchen. In a moment of quick thinking, I opened the door and ran to stop my aunt from walking out. "Oh, hey Jinny, where were you all day?" Kya asked sweetly. "Shh. Auntie Kya, I need to show you something, but promise to be quiet, ok?" Kya looked at me in confusion. "Umm, ok honey." 

  I pulled her arm and led her outside, making sure I closed the door. "So what is it you want to show me?" Kya asked skeptically. "Turn around." I said simply. Kya lifted an eyebrow, but turned around. Her face soon changed from confused to dumbstruck in a matter of seconds. Aang was standing behind her, who gave Kya a nervous wave. Kya took a deep breath, and was about to yell, but thankfully Aang put a finger to his lips, which caused my aunt to put a hand over her own mouth. But her eyes were still very much wide. "What is happening?!" Kya whisper-shouted after she calmed down a little bit. We explained the basics of what happened, and what we planned on doing. "This is insane." Kya said, sitting down. "Tell me about it, one second ago, you were an 8 year old, now you''re so big!" Aang laughed. Kya gave him a sad smile, I could tell she had really missed him. "Well, I think we should tell the others, I'll go check if everyone's in the room, be right back." Kya said, going back inside. "Was that weird?" I asked him after she left. He smiled as he looked out at Republic City in the distance. "In one way it was, seeing her, looking so different, but at the same time, it all feels really familiar." He answered. Before I could reply, Kya came back out. "Everyone's in there...I hope you guys are ready." 

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