Into the Spirit World

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       Aang walked in, interrupting my thoughts of Sokka. "You ready?!" He asked excitingly, as if this was going to be the bast day ever. It always made me laugh, the way he still acts like a kid. I nodded vigorously, trying not to lose the positive vibe he set. Aang said a quick goodbye to Katara and the kids, and explaining why we'd be gone all day. Then we headed out, once again, to the meditation pavilion. 

     When we got there, Aang asked a few questions. "Do you know how to get to the Spirit World?" He asked matter-of-factly. I nodded. "Ok good, we don't have to worry about that, but I have one more question before I explain what we are going to do in the Spirit World. Do you remember all the events that lead up to you getting here? If you do, that would be REALLY helpful in getting you home." He said. "Yes, I do remember. I was chasing my spirit friend through the backwoods when I found mys-" I was interrupted. You're friends with a spirit?! That's amazing, what's it....(ahem) sorry, continue." He exclaimed, then quickly corrected his ecstatic curiosity, which I giggled at. "When I found myself stuck in what seemed to be a web. But it was enormous, and my body was unable to move. I started panicking, but it felt like someone was draining all my energy. Then I saw tons of colors, then I woke up in Kya's room." I explained. 

     Aang took a minute to put the pieces of information together. "Hmm, that's interesting, I've never heard of something like that. But I bet it will play a part in finding you a way back to your time." He said positively. "Ok, now that that's over with, here's the plan. When we get into the Spirit World, you only need to do one thing, and that's thinking only of your goal. Only think about finding yourself either a way back, or the answer of to how you got here. Then if that works, we might have to do a little extra searching if we don't have the exact answer. But overall it's a pretty simple idea, really." He explained. I nodded, taking in the plan. "Sounds good." I said calmly. "Ok.....let's do this." He winked. I smiled back, and we took our positions, side by side to each other. 

      I took deep breaths, clearing my mind of all distractions. To be honest, the night leading up to that day, I was extremely nervous. Because of my last failure to gain a complete state of calm, resulting in failure to get into the Spirit World. But after sitting there with Aang, my worries dissipated. After only a few short minutes I made it into the Spirit World. Naturally, Aang was already there, and petting, what looked to be, a winged lion-mouse spirit. He looked at me a smirk. "Are you ready?" He asked. I looked around at the colorful, dreamlike forest that surrounded me. "Ready as I'll ever me." I said with a nervous laugh. "Great! Just remember, think of your goal, and only that." He reminded me. I nodded, with determination. "You can do it, I know you can." He added. Then we made our way into the mystic glade, with a mission.  

Hope you liked this one. I just want to say thanks for all the love, and for reading this far. Thanks to you guys, you've made this story #2 in Kataang! Anyways, as always, be sure to comment if you have suggestions. Hope you guys in Texas and Oklahoma are doing ok in that freeze. Love ya!

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