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SO sorry I haven't written in forever, I've had a million things happen in just one month, and haven't had time to finish my story. But here's the second to last chapter...hope you like it! And shout out to @oceanicfoxyt for the awesome suggestion!!! 

   For the last time, I awoke in the small, wooden bedroom, squinting at the light coming from the window. I was a little confused on how I got there, but decided not to think much of it. I started to got up, when I saw the vile, sitting on the bed table. I sighed and quickly looked away, trying not to remind myself of what was to come. I stumbled through the hallway, with a strange feeling of heaviness in my feet, which didn't make anything better. Instead of getting food when I got to the kitchen, I just sat down, burying my face in my arms. While I was too busy sulking, I hadn't noticed that Bumi had entered the kitchen. 

   "Are you leaving today?" the messy haired boy asked. I looked up to see him staring at me with a desperate face. I just sighed, then nodded. Bumi looked down and rubbed his arm. "Oh..." He whispered. Part of me wanted to ignore the situation, but deep inside, I felt bad. I was spending my last hours sulking and being sorry for myself, instead of living it out and enjoying the time I had. So I sat up straight and shook away all negative thoughts. "Hey, it's ok, we'll see each other sooner than you think." I said while ruffling his hair. "I think there's a fruit pastry with your name on it." I said nodding to the counter. He giggled and immediately dashed to the kitchen to go get it. To be honest, the rest of the morning was a blur, just jokes, an emotional Kya, a short lived food fight, and bickering between siblings. But it was fun, that's for sure. 

   But all good things come to an end. While Bumi, Kya, and I were seeing who could catch a lemur before they woke up, Aang came over to us. I looked at him, still giggling at our antics, then my mood changed, and I gave him a questioning look, and he nodded. I sighed and looked at the siblings, who were currently sneaking up on a poor, unsuspecting lemur. "Kids! Come here please!" Katara yelled from inside the house. Bumi was startled by this and lost his footing and landed hard next to the lemur. "UGH!" He cried. Which obviously made all of us laugh. We helped him up and went inside. I went to the bedroom grabbed the vile, and looked out the window. 'Man I'm going to miss this.' I thought and ran out of the room. We went to the main courtyard, in case something weird happens when I get transported back. I took a deep breath, preparing my goodbyes, and knelt down next to Kya. "Don't go, Nora." She said, choking with tears. "Aww, Ky, I'm sorry, but I have to, I wish I could stay, you're so much fun." I said smiling sadly. Kya just simply nodded and hugged me tightly. "I'll miss you Nora, please come back." She whispered. I started crying too, "I will, one day, I promise." I wiped my tears and stood up again. 

   When I came to Bumi, he was looking at the floor. "Goodbye Bumi, I'll miss you a lot." I said, figuring he was trying to stay strong. I waited a few second and was about to walk to Katara when he pulled me in for a hug. "I'll miss you too Jinora." He said quietly. I smiled and made my way to Katara...again. She hugged me and whispered, "I'll see you soon!" I laughed sadly. "See you soon." I whispered back. I turned to Aang, and felt all my emotion coming up again. All the people I said goodbye to, I was going to see again, but he was a different case...this was it. I stared at him, feeling uncontrolled tears running down my face. I ran and held on to him like it was life or death. "I hate goodbyes." I mumbled into his cloak. He laughed, softly. "Who doesn't?" He joked. "I'm honestly glad I got stuck here, I'm glad I got to meet you, even if it was only for a little bit." I confessed. "I'm glad I got to meet you too." He paused. "I'm sorry I wasn't there in the first place." He added sadly. "It's not your fault, I'm just glad I got the chance." I reassured. He smiled at me, then whispered, "I think there's a world waiting for you."

     I half-hardheartedly smiled and stepped back. I slowly opened the mysterious vile and took a deep breath. "Goodbye everyone, this has been the best week of my life, I will miss you deeply." They all smiled. "Here goes nothing." I squinted my eyes shut and drank the liquid. A few moments passed and nothing happened, then I looked at my hands and I realized that my whole body was fading, and quickly. Out of a quick and desperate feeling, I ran and hugged Aang for the last time. Then everything went dark. I slowly regained consciousness, and took in my surrounding. From the looks of it, I seemed to be in the woods, still, but not in the same place I had been. I relaxed, knowing the stuff had worked. Then I turned around to be face to face with Aang. I let out a yelp of surprise, that was the last thing I was expecting. He was just as shocked as me, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. "I-I don't thi-think I'm supposed to b-be here." He stuttered. 

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