Chapter 11

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(TRIGGER WARNING: #SLIGHTSWEARING #ivebeenreadingtoomuchhomestuck #thatwasareallylonghashtag #hashtag #DONTREADIFUNOLIKESWEARS #ILOVEHOMESTUCK >U< #imlonely #Ineedtogetalife... #Illstopnow...)

Swimsuits.Swimsuits...SWIMSUITS!! Where the hell did all these swimsuits come from?! I was bombarded with swimsuits, and at the minute, was drowning in them.

"HELP!" I shouted in desperation to get out. I then felt a hand wrap around my wrist and pulled me out of the swimsuits. I flew up in the air and landed on my saviors back.

"Are you ok Michi-Chan?" Honey asked slightly worried.

"I'm fine" I replied, hopping off his back and dusting my dress off.

"What's with all the swimsuits?" I asked with an annoyed tone.

"Ask Hika-Chan and Kao-Chan~!" Honey chirped. He grabbed my hand and ran off to find The two retarded carrotheads.

"There" I said pointing to the twins. Honey ran to them and let go of my hand. Pink dusted my cheeks as I realized he'd been holding my hand the entire time.

"What's with all the swimsuits?!" I asked, eyeing all the swimwear spread around everywhere in the room.

"We're going to the bea-!" The twins exclaimed happily, that was until I cut them off.

"No way" I stated boldly. Haruhi nodded in agreement and followed my to the guests.

"Wait!" The twins shouted. I turned around in frustration, only to have a swimsuit shoved in-front of my face.

"What the hell is this?" I asked nonchalantly. I grabbed the swimsuit and threw it at their faces.

"It's your swimsuit for the beach!" The twins explained, their voices muffled from behind the swimsuit.

"I already told you no" I said boredly, walking off with Haruhi to talk to the guests.

"Even if it mean that Neikan's coming? You wouldn't want to lose to her..Would you?" The twins whispered mischievously in my ear.

"There's no way in hell I'm going to lose to that bitch" I stated boldly, clenching my fists tightly.

 (Forever and a Day: You had to add the cuss word Fuzzynumz -_-' Fuzzynumz: HELL YESH~! > U <)

 The twins shot some weird party poppers behind me.

"We'll be rooting for you!" The twins shouted before running off to give Haruhi her swimsuit. I sighed in frustration once they left. Why are we going to a beach? Wasn't our little trip to Kyoya's stupid resort enough....Apparently it's not enough for the 

Host Club


I turned around to see Tamaki in a baseball uniform as he hit Hikaru and Kaoru into the sky with a baseball bat.

"YOU PUNKS BETTER STOP SEXUALLY HARASSING MY GIRLS!!" Tamaki shouted as the twins wandered somewhere throughout the sky.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH. OF. YOU!!" Tamaki yelled at the top of his lungs, finally turning everything in the room back to it's original form.

"SHUT UP!! WE CAN ALL HEAR YOU!!" I yelled, grabbing his baseball bat and smacking his head. He bawled on the floor, rolling around in pain.

"So...We're not going to the beach..?" The twins asked with bumps on their heads, not even caring about the fact that Tamaki just got struck in the head. Tamaki perked up, his head containing a red bump on the spot where I hit him. Might as well be triplets....

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