"And our brother has only spoken fondly of your family and home so we couldn't pass up an opportunity for a visit," Rosalie said, "And I must say Storm's End has not disappointed us. It's truly a magnificent building. You have such a beautiful home."

"Thank you, Lady Rosalie," Cassana said with a kind smile, stepping forward to get a closer look at the girl, "And you are far more beautiful than the rumours say. You father and brother must have troubles keeping the lords away from you."

"We've had a lot of practice." Brandon said and he wasn't wrong. Over the years he had perfected the art of scaring men away from her with one look or a few wisely chosen words.

"Thank you for keeping our arrival a secret," Rosalie changed the subject, "We can never miss an opportunity to surprise our brother."

"No worries," Cassana smiled, "The boys have taken a hunting trip and should arrive back shortly, so they did not even notice when we began our preparations for your arrival."

Rosalie smiled, having already decided that she liked the Lady of House Baratheon, and she wasn't one who trusted people easily. There was just something about her that reminded her of her own mother.

"If I may ask," Steffon said, his eyes glued to something behind them, "Is that a direwolf?"

Rosalie had to suppress a smirk as she turned around and snapped her fingers together. Silver, who had been sitting dutifully by her horse, skipped over to her mistress, which looked rather comical considering her size. "It is," Rosalie said just as Silver stopped by her feet and sat down.

"We have heard rumours," Steffon admitted, "But no one has seen a direwolf for hundreds of years. She is truly magnificent."

"She is," Rosalie said and Silver let out a happy bark, making her appear more like a puppy than a direwolf the size of a large hunting dog. "But do not fret. She won't harm anyone unless they intend to harm me first. If it would make you more comfortable, My Lord, I could let her run freely in the woods instead of staying with me."

"No, that is quite alright," Lord Steffon assured them. "But I admit, I think it will give the servants a fright if the wolf runs around freely inside the keep."

"Don't worry about that, My Lord," Rosalie said. "Silver will be in my chambers or by my side."

"Well, now when that's settled," Cassana Baratheon said, "please allow me to show you to your chambers, Lady Rosalie." Cassana offered Rosalie her arm, and she took it, grateful and allowed the older woman to lead her through the castle.

"Have you ever left your home before, Lady Rosalie?" Cassana asked politely.

"Aye, my father doesn't like it when I'm far away," Rosalie said. "My place is in Winterfell."

"Your brother, Eddard, has told me that you have taken on the role of Lady of Winterfell since your mother passed," Cassana looked at her with sympathy.

"I have," Rosalie confirmed. "But it has never been much of a burden. At times I actually enjoy it - and other times not so much."

"It does seem like a lot of responsibilities for someone so young," Cassana said, sounding a bit like a worrying mother. "Lord Steffon and I can barely get Robert to take his responsibilities as heir to Storm's End seriously to this day - and he is two years older than you, Lady Rosalie."

"Well, based on my experience from what I've seen of my brothers, I'd say it has something to do with them being men," Rosalie jested and Cassana let out a laugh.

"I think you might be right," Cassana agreed. "Men rarely realise what must be done until the right woman tells them."

Before Rosalie could respond they came to a stop, "These will be your bedchambers during your stay here."

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