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I sat on the floor waiting for any doctors to inform us about Felix.I was thinking and thinking about every scenario that could happen.

They needed some of my blood so I gave it the doctors for Felix.I was sad and exhausted.

„Changbin you should sleep...you didn't slept the entire night."Chan hugged me.


I woke up after not even 10 minutes of sleep.I was scared of how Felix is doing,where he is and what drove him to his behaviour.

„Bin,its me Chan.Felix is..fine."Chan knocked on my door and Seungmin released a relieved sigh.

It can't be true.He isn't fine.He was never.

„Bin open the door."Chan now said with a stronger and louder voice.I didn't wanted to open the door and I didn't.I didn't even answer.

„Seung,does he sleeps?"Chan asked Seungmin but he obviously didn't know the answer.

I heared footsteps fading as I heared Chan saying good night to Seungmin.

I wrote Felix probably a Million of messages begging him to come back.I was calling him and making voice messages.

„Chan he's awake.."I hered someone whisper and it apparently was Minho."Look he's online.."Minho said and now Chan harshly knocked on the door.

„Changbin if you don't open this fucking door you won't go to scho-"

I rushed to the door and quickly unlocked it."NO!"I screamed and panicked now.I want to see Felix in school today.I need to see him and apologise.

„Come here."Chan hugged me and I finally was able to cry my heart out...for the whole night.

Flashback end

„Bin?"Hyunjin asked me and pulled me into a hug ."You spaced out."he added and I nodded.

I was trying to stay awake.Awake for Felix but I couldn't.I was tired and worried.So worried that I would probably get a nightmare but I had no choice.

I snuggled into Hyunjin and let my eyes rest for a bit,not completely dozing off.


I saw Changbin closing his eyes.I wanted to hug someone too.I really did.

Out of the sudden someone took my hand and squeezed it tightly.I looked next to me to see a broken Jisung who was trying so hard not to break down in tears again...

I wanted to hug him but I had no right to.Not after what I did.


„why is Jisung protecting him?!"I screamed at myself while looking into the mirror.

"Minho just stop it."Hyunjin sighed and went to the toilet together with Changbin."I saw that you laughed at Felix after he got harassed."Changbin finally spoke.


"Yea fuck."Changbin said coldly."Just go and meet Chan and the others.I will come later."

I took my bag and left the restroom.I was about to enter the cafeteria when I run into Wonho.

"Freak."he hummed and the two others rolled their eyes.

"Shut up Wonho."I hissed at him and walked past him."Why don't you..."

"See what is under Felix's cap?"he said and smirked,disgusting me completely.

I was about to ignore him when I saw that the whole attention was on Felix and Jisung who laid on the floor.

"Did he push Jisung?!"I was seeing red and run up to them and took of his Cap.Not only I saw it...everyone saw the bruises that covered his whole face.The hickeys on his neck that looked too painful and the blood flowing down from his face.It was a horrible sight.Too horrible to me true.

Flashback ends

I turned my attention to Jisung so still tried to stay quiet."I'm sorry..."he whispered the whole time while looking at the doctors.

It was Wonho right?He made me take of Felix's cap.He planned it but how?

I could feel 3 eyes glaring at me.Chan,Hyunjin and Seungmin.I shook my head trying to tell them I couldn't.

Seungmin was about to speak but I got a call.

"Hello?"I asked while Jisung didn't let go of my hand."Are you Minho?"someone asked me and I hummed.

"I will let this time slide but if you hurt Jisung once again I will make sure to end your life.Btw my name is Jae,look up."

I looked at the hospital entrance seeing a boy waving at me.He ended the call,turned around and left the hospital.



"Han Jisung!"

He looked at me with big sad eyes.I breathed in and out when I gave him a passionately kiss.At first he didn't kissed back but then...he did.

His tears purred down like a waterfall.I held his face in my hands when I pulled away."Stop crying.He will be okay you dork."I made sure to say it in the softest tone I ever spoke to someone and he just nodded and hugged me completely.

I didn't realise that the doctor approached Chan and Changbin while I talked to Han.

I couldn't hear the whole situation but something made us all jump up....

"I'm sorry...he got...he got raped..."

Daily chapter reminder:"Whoever you are,I just love you alright?"

(It was just a whole damn mood and Minsung just got me simping again while Jeongin blew up my head because- We don't need a reason,it's Jeongin😭👑 ❤️🐣)

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(It was just a whole damn mood and Minsung just got me simping again while Jeongin blew up my head because- We don't need a reason,it's Jeongin😭👑 ❤️🐣)

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