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"Felix please open the door please"Hyunjin yelled from upstairs.

"I swear I didn't do anything dad."I kneeled down infront of him while he scolded me.

"What did you guy's do before he locked himself in the room?"Minho asked me while Hyunjin came downstairs.

"W-we..."I can't say that...

"Dont fuck me off!"I screamed at them.
"Just leave me alone!"



My dad hit me right into my face.He never did that,like NEVER.

Minho and Hyunjin stopped breathing for a second because they knew he never did it too.

"I'm not your friend Seo Changbin!Dont dare to scream at your father like that!"

"Crap out this dad shit."I screamed louder then him and stood up."I was always the one who was the least loved child.It was always Yeji.Just because I'm fucking growing up doesn't mean you can hit me!"

"I'm her dad!"he screamed back.Hyunjin came to my side and pulled my hand."You were my dad too!"I now fully yelled at him.

Everyone knew my father as a caring soul but he only started being that nice after my sister died.I could never beat her in any ways.She was the top student,the athlete,a good book writer and all in a wonderful and perfect kid unlike me.

The only thing I could ever beat her was music.I was the one who wrote songs since I'm in elementary school and I was the one who can play so many instruments but dad never cared.

Tears streamed down my face when I took the chance and run outside,leaving everyone behind.

I run and run and run,not knowing where I was or what I wore.I didn't cared.I felt like my world would break apart.

After some time I saw the tree where Seungmin was sitting next to it last night.I jogged over and unexpectedly he sat again on the same spot but he looked more consciousness this time.

I slowly approached him when he turned around like he could feel my presence.

"What are you do-"

"Why?"I asked him.

"Why were you jelous of MY life?!"I half screamed at him.I could feel hot tears on my face again but I didn't cared how pathetic I may looked like right now.I wanted an answer.

"You had everything Changbin."he simply answered and it made me mad.

"You always were a perfect child without much worries about money or friends.You always reached the top without trying so much."

"You always had it better then everyone of us,you had a family who loved you and you had the popularity no one of the old group had.Let's not talk about your music skills because they are over the top.Thats why."

I had no words left.He really thought it's that easy?

"Is this the reason?Does that mean I had no worries in life because I had money and friends?I only tried to be the top of the class because Yeji was always better then me!I tried so hard to make my dad love me.My mom never sended me a message but Yeji got every weeked a letter from her."

"I was forced to do things I didn't liked,I was forced to eat less because I wasn't as skinny as Yeji,No one ever accepted my music in the family and of that you were jelous?Of someone so useless that his mom can't look into his face and his dad is so embarrassed about,about someone who tries their best every fucking day but doesn't want to fight anymore,someone who will never be good enough in other peoples eyes?If you really want that,please take this whole pain already and try to just live once with the thought I have in a day."

"Not only I lost my sister,I lost you and the others too and now I lost someone who really means alot to me and I thought I could be happy."I let my body fall on the ground.I burried my head into the dirty ground.

"I don't want to feel like this anymore.I-i don't want to life!"


(Damn he gets hit alot here)

"Are you gone nuts?!How can you say you don't want to life anymore?!You still have friends at home who wait for you!You still have people who sees you as their idol and now you really want to tell me you don't want to life?!"

"Who will save Hyunjin when he wants to do it again?!We all know only you can make him stop hurting himself!Didnt you said you can't die because someone needs ur blood?!Be a fucking man and stand up,be the person you used to be who never lost their smile even tho It was hard!"


He's right.I had Hyunjin,Minho,Felix and all then others.I still had my music waiting for me at home.I still have exams I need to do and I still had someone I needed to give blood.

I looked at the ground with shame.

"I never knew you had it so hard.I wanted to be just like you,thats why I started changing more and more but after I realised I couldn't,I was mad.Mad at you for being perfect in my eyes."he sat down next to me.

"You aren't that useless...."he whispered and I smiled slightly.

"Thanks for the "that" Seungmin"I giggled.We both sat next to the tree.It reminded me of something.

"Isn't that..."

"Where we meet?"I remembered this place.Back then there were no Trees or anything else.Only a meadow so I meet Seungmin there who wanted to build a house with straw.

It was the dumbest Idea ever because it was raining on this day and windy as hell.

"Changbin..."he started.

Daily chapter reminder:"Whatever you do, do with all your might."

(Is this the begin of a good friendship between Seungmin and Changbin again?~ I really want such friends who take cute pictures with me and just be there🥺❤️👑)

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(Is this the begin of a good friendship between Seungmin and Changbin again?~ I really want such friends who take cute pictures with me and just be there🥺❤️👑)

Blood was our faith/ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now