Chapter 1

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[Deku's pov]

I arrived at the common room of U.A.

As I walk in, I look to my left, the boys are watching the TV while also yelling stuff, like "That guy looks like Bakugou!" or "SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR!", and on my right, the girls are sitting in a circle, most likely playing truth or dare as I make out the sentences of "Ew nooooo! I would never like him!" or "I dare you to slap Bakugou in the face!".

 I chuckle at the thought of Kacchan's face of pure anger. Anyways, I decided to stay and hang out with Kacchan and the other boys.

"Hey guys!" I say while I give them a little smile and a wave.

Kirishima greets back "Hey Mido-", but is cut off by the loud voice of Kacchan yelling "SIT DOWN, DEKU!". 

I sit down on the couch with the guys to watch one of the episodes of “ALL MIGHT'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE!", and laugh at the comparisons of certain people in our group to the characters on screen.

The words of "Here goes Bakugou again, getting flung by All Might!" and "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME BEFORE?! I SAID SHUT UP!", are accompanied by our loud and joyful laughter when suddenly the show is cut to the live broadcast of the news.

"Breaking News!" the reporter shouts, "A series of bomb attacks have just occurred in Musutafu! We have reports that 150 people are presumed dead, most notably, one of the casualties is the mother of the U.A student, Inko Midoriya." All of the sudden, we immediately go silent, the girls notice the silence and watch the news also going silent. I can't believe it, no this can't be happening.

"Midoriya," Todoroki breaks the silence, "I- I'm so sorry." Soon I start crying, I cannot control it. The tears just pour out with no resistance. "No-o." I whisper, with a broken smile, still in disbelief. “T-That's wrong. They’re wrong!” it's not eyes became glossy and I tried to hold back tears.

Soon, the class surrounds me, attempting to comfort me. I see everyone's pitiful eyes looking at me. Their eyes burning into me. I felt disgusted. Why do they give me those pitiful looks? I don't need pity. I don't want it. 

Then I see Kacchan, discreetly crying on the couch, away from everyone else. I understand why he’s so upset, Kacchan had a good connection with my mom when we were little, and now….she’s dead. I don't want pity, not me. Before anyone had a chance to say anything else I ran. I just ran and didn't stop until I entered my room, locking the door behind me. I lay down in my bed, my face buried in my pillow, letting it absorb the flooding tears that just won't stop. I wrap the blankets tight around myself. To feel the comfort or warmth….anything that can make me feel a little better. But it doesn't work. I grip the sheets tight and feel my anger and distress bubble up.

"WHYYYYY!" I shrieked. My cry is broken and scratchy as I sob out. I clutched onto my pillow like my life depended on it. What was I going to do…?

[A few days later.]

"Inko Midoriya was a great mother and a friend." I wait behind the speaker, and All Might is comforting me by patting me on the back.

 "It's okay, Midoriya. You can get through it." All Might says to me, attempting to make me feel better, it's not working. 

“No...I wont…” I said. He looked at me like he was in pure shock. I know, I'm usually so optimistic, and positive. But no. Not now. 

"Now, we will listen to a few words of her only son, Izuku Midoriya." and I hear the attendant crowd clapping. I didn't prepare a speech, my expectations were that I was going to just say the words from my heart, with no problems at all. But now, I am very nervous and depressed to even say even one word. But I convince myself to do it somehow.

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